Some other options would be first to make sure you can't just smooth it out. If the groove is not that deep, some fine sandpaper/emory cloth will smooth it out enough for a better seal.
You can also seat the seal at a different depth so that it rides on a different part of the axle.
You don't have much leeway here, but used in conjunction with smoothing the axle, it can work well.
Same can be said for seating the bearing to a different depth, but I would not really want to do that on our type of setup. Not sure why, just don't like the idea in this case. Done it on other things, just not a Bronco axle shaft.
Smoothing any imperfections in the axle housing end can help if the gear lube is leaking around the outside of the seal.
Adding sealer to the outside of the seal before installing is what has helped more than a few Ford 9" axle owners over the years.
When you pull yours apart, make sure to find out where the fluid is getting by. Just to be sure.