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1)Remove wheels
2)remove drums
3)there is a hole in the flange with the lugs where you can access the 4 bolts which hold the axle in, remove them.
4)you may need a pulling tool to pull the axles out but mine come out with a good tug.
If the axles wont slide out, take the drum and turn it around backwards. Replace the lugs, but do not tighten them all the way. Then use it like a slide hammer to loosen the stubborn axle.
Be forewarned that this could be a bigger task than you are thinking. I about pulled down my fence trying to pull the axles out of an old housing using a high lift jack and chain as a come along tethered to a fencepost. Those things can be in there gorilla tight if they haven't been changed in a while.
I had one where it took three of us taking turns with good sized slide hammer. The other shaft practicaly fell out when I got the four nuts off. You won't know what to expect untill you get to that point.
In hindsight, on the one that was such a bear I shoulda tried heating the end of the tube with a torch.
I made a couple of axle pullers out of scrape parts. Basic instructions:
2 to 3 foor long piece of scrape steel 3/4 round or square or something close.
1 old lugnut with good threads (the only critical part)
a foot of 1½ to 2" round or square stock or something close to that.
Weld the long piece to the short piece at 90°.
Weld the lugnut to the other end of the long piece parrellel to the long piece.
Screw the lugnut to the stud of the stuborn axle
beat on the short cross piece with a BFH (Big Hammer)
Cross piece gives you something to hold/beat on
long piece gets the hammer swings away from the body
Another trick is to take a piece of chain and bolt it to 2 of the lugs but first run it thru a heavy piece of steel(something round with a hole in it and heavy).Then just give the steel a good pitch across the yard and hopefully the axle will come out.Something like a 100# tractor weight works great.
Another trick is to take a piece of chain and bolt it to 2 of the lugs but first run it thru a heavy piece of steel(something round with a hole in it and heavy).Then just give the steel a good pitch across the yard and hopefully the axle will come out.Something like a 100# tractor weight works great.