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CAN Searching for a clean everyday driver

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New Member
Aug 4, 2010
Hi All,

Been reading this site for the past year and dreaming about my first Bronco for the last 19, since I was 16 and now, finally, I’m able to seriously start looking with a budget of $15k +/-. From what I’ve read, it would seem at $15k that I could get something nice and clean and suited to my needs.

Ideally, I’d like one with power steering and power brakes. This will be an everyday driver and I have little interest to drive it off road. I prefer something that is cut (cringe… I know but hey, it’s what I’m after) and nothing with any significant lift, I guess under 3 inches. Aside from being cut, I’d like to keep this truck the classic it’s always been and not something that’s been jacked up with a bunch of extras.

I guess that’s a starting point and as many have said before me, I’d prefer to buy from someone on this forum or at least through a friend of a friend on here. I’m based in Toronto and the truck I purchase will be moving over to Dublin, Ireland with me so, a nice and clean, well maintained and/ or restored truck is what I’m after. I'm a real newbie on these, aside from what I've read, and a lot of the terminology is beyond me so, please be patient.

Any thoughts, ideas, help? I’m always looking on here, eBay, etc. but figured it might be time to throw it to my fellow readers and contributors for some help.




Jr. Member
Nov 26, 2010
Check out our stuff on Facebook. JFB Restoration. We are more in the $35+ range, but you get what you pay for. Thanks, John 815-739-6811


Bronco Guru
Jan 28, 2012
Toronto is about 5hrs from Broncorama at the Bronco Graveyard May 4th this year. There's usally a few for sale around that price range. Plus if you don't find one you could at least see & learn from lots of good Bronco people there.


Sr. Member
Sep 2, 2012
Hey I'm in Toronto, was hopping to see another Bronco around theses parts. Damn I would love to take my Bronco to Brocorama, I assume this is at JBG.
I see some nice ones on this forum that I would like to buy.


Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2007
Hey I'm in Toronto, was hopping to see another Bronco around theses parts. Damn I would love to take my Bronco to Brocorama, I assume this is at JBG.
I see some nice ones on this forum that I would like to buy.

My buddy and I should be going down this year we will trailer our down and do the cruise on friday night. Would be good to see some Canadian rigs down there.
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