Well, you can try another method, but it's more than likely your alternator itself causing the RFI and not just the wire. When you disconnect the wire the alternator stops charging. Hence the loss of the noise.
However, since the original external regulator put a noise suppressor on this very same wire on the original regulator, and because this stuff is mainly a mystery to me anyway, I would not put it past being the wire after all!
Just not sure how sourcing it from a different location is going to change how much noise is being put out near the EFI unit. After all, it still enters the alternator at the same point no matter what.
Anyway, the best (or at least the most reasonable seeming) spot would be the other Yellow wire from the Painless harness that would have been for the original external regulator. It's the same wire with the same function as what you need. You can splice the two together and get the sensing back.
Basically you just need a direct or semi-direct battery connection. It will be hot at all times no matter the position of the key. You can run the wire straight to the battery, to the starter relay's battery side, or literally to any other wire that has power all the time.
But the Yellow wire for the original regulator makes the most sense to me.