New Member
Looking for pics and info on size and amount of dish on your aftermarket steering wheel.
I will go measure my lecarra wheel later, but it is a inbetween size, and I love it.
It has about a inch or so of dish on it
Not great pics of it, but the factory sport wheel for 78/79's.
Yes Henry, they will go right on a stock column. The trick is finding one in good condition. They were available on several Ford model vehicles in the mid to late 1970's. I don't think there are repros made either. I have one in decent shape on my EB and have been looking for another better than mine. By the way, you can still get the horn button new ,but they run about $80.00 give or take a few dollars.
I like the sport wheel. Does it bolt right on to the stock column?
Grant Products 15851 - Grant Heritage Deuce Steering Wheels
I like it but wish I would have went more retro.
Also I found the right size blue oval FORD sticker and covered the horn button with it.