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So long for now, but not goodbye forever...


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
It is with a little melancholy that I let all of you know that I have made the decision to sell my '66. I have had it in my possession for the last 6 years and was made a generous offer by the (now grown up and married) son of the previous owner, who had owned it for 16 years before I purchased it. Aside from the aforementioned reason, I'm at a point in my life where I have to think more about my family rather than my own personal wants; I needed something that wasn't a continuous project, that would place me in a better position financially, and had more modern amenities. Although I am putting a piece of my childhood on hold, I am restoring someone else's, and making my own daughter's childhood the priority by being able to go whenever, wherever. I am thankful for all the guidance, help, love, and camaraderie from all my Brothers and Sisters here on CB, and although I'll be out of the game indefinitely, I intend on returning here at the proper time, if it is meant to be. I'll still be here on the forum, but I'll be spending more time on FSB as I just bought an '89 XLT. Even though it has a 5.0 and AOD (two things that I abhor the most: V8's and Automatics) I couldn't bring myself to buy anything other than a Bronco. Best wishes to all of you, and so long for now... Tim


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2010
As a father of four I would've done the same thing. Good luck and may you return if the cards line up and the opportunity presents itself.


Bronco Guru
Jan 29, 2009
Life happens, and you have your priorities straight! I did the same thing 5 years ago and I'm back in the EB game again now. Best of luck to you and your family.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2009
well put and cool its going back to original owner son and as i'm sure you already know your daughter is an ongoing project and one way more important than any piece of steel that came out of Detroit. Best of luck and I don't think you have to be a current owner to be in good graces here


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
well put and cool its going back to original owner son and as i'm sure you already know your daughter is an ongoing project and one way more important than any piece of steel that came out of Detroit. Best of luck and I don't think you have to be a current owner to be in good graces here

Thanks kancox, I needed to here that. And thank you to everyone, the outpouring of support is just another indicator of the caliber of people on this site...

No Hay

Bronco Guru
Jun 4, 2014
Very good to you Tim!! I hope you get a chance to get another EB in the future.

I like to hear guys doing the right thing, as I grew up w/o a dad and it sucked!



Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2006
Athens, AL
I know what you are going through and completely understand your decision. I sold my first Bronco shortly after I got married and was broncoless for about 16 years. God and family first.


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2007
I'm going to come at it from a different angle. Don't know the sum of money, but I suspect that the money will be gone quick and you'll be looking around wondering what happened to your Bronco.

Once years ago my wife was totally wrung out from work stress. Something had to give. I sit down with Excel and laid out a spreadsheet of all our expenses, everything. Then we looked at where we needed to clean up our act. It is very surprising if you lay it out on paper what a clear picture you can get. Back then, after doing the math, we discovered that she should just quit her job and we'd make the needed adjustments until she found new work. It was a drastic measure, but was needed. And she did eventually find a job she loved and was a happier person.

So, just some advice...do the math. Look at what is coming in and going out. Then if it just doesn't work with the Bronco in the picture, away it goes.

I do agree very commendable putting family over a material thing. Just make sure its the right thing and it won't make you too unhappy. And if the Bronco is already gone, what I suggested still works and can be very helpful to get your family finances in order.
Good luck.


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
I saw your intro post on FSB. There are a few of us on both sites. The community on FSB is second only to CB! It's a very good site with lots of help available. You will probably miss your early Bronco but sounds like you have some good plans for your "brick nose"! I'm enjoying my 84 in Colorado right now. It's the big 6 with an NP435 - the perfect combo for the scenic trails here. Good luck and see you on FSB! ;D


Mar 8, 2007
Best of luck Tim, can totally understand brother.

See you when we see ya man


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
I'm going to come at it from a different angle. Don't know the sum of money, but I suspect that the money will be gone quick and you'll be looking around wondering what happened to your Bronco.

Once years ago my wife was totally wrung out from work stress. Something had to give. I sit down with Excel and laid out a spreadsheet of all our expenses, everything. Then we looked at where we needed to clean up our act. It is very surprising if you lay it out on paper what a clear picture you can get. Back then, after doing the math, we discovered that she should just quit her job and we'd make the needed adjustments until she found new work. It was a drastic measure, but was needed. And she did eventually find a job she loved and was a happier person.

So, just some advice...do the math. Look at what is coming in and going out. Then if it just doesn't work with the Bronco in the picture, away it goes.

I do agree very commendable putting family over a material thing. Just make sure its the right thing and it won't make you too unhappy. And if the Bronco is already gone, what I suggested still works and can be very helpful to get your family finances in order.
Good luck.
That's a really interesting way of putting it. I don't think that most folks look at it from a cost analysis. I didn't get that far in depth, but I also looked at it as such: I couldn't save the money fast enough to do the things that I wanted to or buy the tools; the left over money will allow me to purchase some much needed specialty tools: tig welder, tubing bender, drill press as I develop a need for each. I also couldn't get a rig with all the goodies that I wanted to transplant and a rig to transplant to, while still having enough left over for tools, leaving me in the same boat again: plenty of parts but no tools. This move made a lot of sense to me:

1) I have a reliable rig to drive now, and be able to take the family, anywhere, any time, especially long distance (top priority).
2) A few bills can be paid off.
4) There's plenty of money left over to save for a rainy day AND
5) I still have the option to purchase tools, and any future builds should be done in stages, picking up tools as needed and building upon the capabilities of those tool combinations.

Did I miss anything?

Present: '69 4.1L I6, Aussie 2V, Weber 38/38; Up next: CI Headers, Dual exhaust


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Being father for your kids is the most important thing there is. Take the Bronco money and lock it up until the situation comes back your way.

You have Bronco blood in your veins and there is nothing you can do about that. Its a communicable disease with no known cure. You caught it, its your own fault and you will have to live with that.

At least the Bronco is going back to the family from whence it came. Your loss helps to heal their regrets.

Best wishes.

Your a better father/person than my sperm donor ever was.


Tyler T. - EB Obsessed
Sep 3, 2007
Bummer, but very responsible of you to make this decision and yes, you are making someone else's dream come true at the same time. I applaud you.


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
Thanks guys, this makes it all worth it...


Present: '69 4.1L I6, Aussie 2V, Weber 38/38; Up next: CI Headers, Dual exhaust


Full Member
Nov 16, 2010
Dad picked it up, and Son will have it shipped to Tennessee this week. I love it!

Present: '69 4.1L I6, Aussie 2V, Weber 38/38; Up next: CI Headers, Dual exhaust