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Stock 1970 Oil bath air cleaner questions


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Nope. Haven't gotten to mine yet. Have a '73 air cleaner housing, plastic inlet section and intake hose, so in my case I think all I have to do is cut the hole in the core support and connect it all up.
That's it in theory anyway. We'll see what else gets in the way.



Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2009
just about where I am, but some 'fancy' w/some oe...
I keep lookin on exposed core supports for the cut. (just gota chrome grill so frnt is off, ready to cut).


Jr. Member
Jan 19, 2011
Photos as promised. I pulled it apart today and took photos of the innards of both my oil bath AC housing and paper filter housing. I tried to find some identifying markings but I couldn't locate any. I also have a later model AC housing in the photos for reference. I checked the dimensions and they are the same size. Just a couple of final questions before we close this out--what should I do with the hole on the back? Has anyone used a sticker for the later model air cleaners from someone like LMC and do they fit well?


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Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2009
"...before we close this out..."
aahahahaa, I enjoy your positive attitude. We need it in these ol story holders. Again, I swear that's an AC housing from a same era Heep 258, but will roll with the punches. Its helped me survive these 68 yrs.
The blue 1 seems to B what I remember from back in the day (ona ford bent8).

The big empty circle (hole) seems 2B for that rubber 2 inch 'funnel' shaped thing the other poster shows in his link or pic.
(& I agree w/the MT quote in ur sig - 12 yrs of schooling was avoided as it would B the worse waste of time in my [any1s] life).


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Great to see the insides! Thanks for the photos.
Now I'm upset because for all I know I've seen many of them over the years and didn't even know I was looking at something different from the standard air cleaner housing!
Very cool.

Can't tell you about the sticker though. I think I just used the one we sell (#9321) and it fit pretty good. I would not say it was an exact match to the curvature, but not bad I thought.
Never bothered me before, but now I guess I'll have to find it and re-familiarize myself with it.



Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007

Just to make sure I understand you, are you saying my housing is for a paper filter? I've disassembled it and it is definitely an oil bath--it has the wire mesh inner core with the oil "bowl" surrounding it. I believe they were a factory option. If I misunderstood you, please clarify.

Not saying you dont have what you have but the upper part of the cleaner looks like a standard paper filter type. I never saw a v8 with an oil filter that was offset like an EB, all were top of carb intake. Maybe someone put the oil bottom on it?


Jr. Member
Jan 19, 2011
Great to see the insides! Thanks for the photos.
Now I'm upset because for all I know I've seen many of them over the years and didn't even know I was looking at something different from the standard air cleaner housing!
Very cool.

Can't tell you about the sticker though. I think I just used the one we sell (#9321) and it fit pretty good. I would not say it was an exact match to the curvature, but not bad I thought.
Never bothered me before, but now I guess I'll have to find it and re-familiarize myself with it.


Yeah, it surprised me as well way back when I disassembled it for the first time. There really isn't any way to tell from the outside that it's any different.

On the back of the decal I purchased, it says it is for a '69. I looked on the "official air cleaner housing" thread by House and the sticker is mounted on the very front curve of the '69 AC housings . From what I can tell, the sticker on the '70's and later housings are meant to be mounted next to the lateral support then arc forward and partially around the bend. If you look at the blue AC housing photo I posted you can see what I mean. I think i'll look for that model of AC housing sticker and see how it does (I think it's a 75 or 76 housing). You can barely seen the remnants of the old one I scraped off in the photos of the oil bath AC housing. It had deteriorated to worse shape than the one you can see on the blue housing, so away it went. I really have no business putting decals on an AC housing that is only in so-so shape but I thought it would be nice to have a little "bling" on there (does anyone say "bling" anymore??...). Didn't know it would be such trouble.

Not saying you dont have what you have but the upper part of the cleaner looks like a standard paper filter type. I never saw a v8 with an oil filter that was offset like an EB, all were top of carb intake. Maybe someone put the oil bottom on it?

Did you see the photos I posted yesterday? The housing is definitely Ford Bronco OEM of some kind. I can't verify that it came on my bronco stock since there's no markings but it's put together so well I can't imagine someone piecing and parting it together and it looking like it does. I mean, it's got the housing that contains the steel mesh and the separate bowl that holds the oil. Those things don't seem easy to reproduce or to modify to fit the AC housing. I honestly didn't realize it was a novel thing when I first took it apart. I was surprised, but just wrote it off as a stock part (not having much bronco history knowledge). If you have some proof that it isn't stock or OEM please share it with me. I'd like to know more about the housing--like where it came from and when it was produced.


Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2009
1st paragraph #20.
Only a pic from the era or guys (they're now of the age that 60 yrs ago is pretty vague memory...duz it matter? not 2 me, best we can is fine, not obsessive unless at U13roadster dot com & concourse events). Make it look era specific great. Go for performance, non-polluting, pep'n MPGs, etc. No museum piece

Wish I hada dig camera/puter skills. I'd post up my own lowly attempts...


Jr. Member
Jan 19, 2011
Yeah I'm not trying for a museum piece, i'm wanting to improve drivability. Amongst other non-stock parts I have installed hydro boost from an astro van and a Frankenstein power steering system with parts from so many different vehicles I can't remember where they all came from. So I see what you are saying. I also want to be a good steward of what I have--realizing that I may not be the last person to own this bronco. To that end, I understand the desire for some folks to restore the bronco back to stock or, as you said, concourse quality. I don't know if mine will ever be back stock so right now I'm having fun driving it--as it was intended!


Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2009
fun, fun, fun.

I just hate fussy (don;t know Y - "it's a f...in jeep"?), also the prices seen last winter (bronk wuz #1 on resale, at 23rd or sompin now). I love performance tho.
Definatly curating for the nxt gen (DIRECTLY) my da, but hope she'll pass it on too. Once you hit the 50+ I think the cloth wire covers, orig glass' logos, mechanical breaks etc come in. '50s, '60s arbarth, maserati, ferrari, jag, AM, yeah. But 1st paragraph #20 means we just make attempts. Some1 tells U they know (DP)? I say sure, sure U do...They charge like 'it is" - no thanks. Those hi priced ones look horrible to me. Besides, there weren't no bronk left when they finished...