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Texas State Inspection/Emissions Laws


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2003
pimpkin said:
In the state of Texas, no matter what county your in, on a car that's 25 years old or older all you need is a safety inspection. Light's, horn, turn signals, brakes, etc...
They won't look at exhaust or emissions.

Your kidding about the exhaust part, right? Because if that's truue, then I'm looking for Allen, Texas on the map to get my inspection. BTW, if you have an automatic transmission, they will let it idle in gear with the E-brake on to see if it is strong enough to hold the rig still. That's what got me the first time I went in.
Jan 11, 2005
Beaumont, Texas
I live in Beaumont, TX and I have no problem with my 77 bronco. I just know a guy that knows a guy... So I pass the inspection/emissions test. ;D But they just look at your car and tell you how good the early broncos are and really don't look at much. I have true duals with no cats and a Holley, so I am putting out the smoke :cool: Texas doesn't really mind the emissions as much as other states I have seen. For example Colorado.


Bronco Guru
May 13, 2004
Katy/Galveston, TX
DucksUnlimited said:
I live in Beaumont, TX and I have no problem with my 77 bronco. I just know a guy that knows a guy... So I pass the inspection/emissions test. ;D But they just look at your car and tell you how good the early broncos are and really don't look at much. I have true duals with no cats and a Holley, so I am putting out the smoke :cool: Texas doesn't really mind the emissions as much as other states I have seen. For example Colorado.

Its nice knowing someone that does inspections huh? ;D I got mine even better, all I do is give a copy of my paperwork, and I'm good to go, my bronco doesn't even have to be there. I've never seen someone fail for a license plate light, but theres a first time for everything


Full Member
Sep 10, 2001
Austin, Texas
Starting in September and October, many counties in Texas that up until now have not had to worry about smog or OBDII inspections are going to start worrying. Check out TXDot's site.


Make sure your rig has everything it had when it left the factory, and it's all working correctly.

Or, register it as an "antique" and be prepared to explain it everytime you get pulled over.

Or, find an inspection station that will pass your truck, not matter what. (Good luck).