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Thank you Veterans


New Member
Oct 20, 2003
Littleton, Colorado
From this disabled Vet to all others. Thanks for everyone's sacrifice whether it was in time of peace, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf whatever....the price paid is what allows us to live the way we do today. We couldn't have American trucks to work on and a web to discuss them without every man and woman that has ever held up that right hand and pledged to defend our great nation.

To those overseas...Come home safe and God Bless you all


Sr. Member
Sep 10, 2001
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

For everything you sacrificed, everything you did, and everything you didn't do to make and keep this country strong and free.

I'm guilty, like most people, of taking much of the freedoms we have for granted a lot of the time. But I know we would have none of them if it were not for our veterans and those serving now.

God bless you all!



Sr. Member
Jun 14, 2001
San Diego, Californi
I'd like to think those that view this thread but do not reply feel that they couldn't say it any better than the previous posts.
My THANKS to the Vets!