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Thief and Shill bidder on ebay selling Bronco parts


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
waw waw.

He is only able to run up the bid with a shill becaise you let him. The system is set such that all you have to do is determine your highes bid you want it for and put it in in the last few seconds of the acution.

If he is using a shill the shill will have done likewise. its really not any different than setting a reserve it just gets gullible people to get all worked up and bid beyond what the item is worth to them.

it happens in almost any auction, years ago I quit going to the city of dallas auto auctions because there was a guy there that would run the bid on a vehicle up to where a wholesaler wouldn't bid any longer then he would back out and see if any individuals bid on it. What convinced me he was a shill was that one of the cars I was bidding on and he out bid me showed up in hte auction several months later with a different shill idding it up.

Want to see some real shill work? Go to gun broker.com some of those guys are masters at it. It is almost impossible to proove if the people doing it are careful. doesn't seem like this guy is. It may seem obvious to others but the reality is you have to build a lot better case than a hanful of auctions. You need to show that an item was bid up by an individual that didn't follow through with the purchase, and the item offered for bid again on many occations.

Bottom line is still you need to set your max and stick to it.


Bronco Guru
Mar 2, 2008
Raphine, Virginia
I still buy off E-bay, either buy it now or set my limit and stick to it. Selling, just plain had to quit. Between E-Bay and PayPal fees, right at 15%. Especially since they started including shipping in the final value fee's. Just not profitable.

first timer

Jr. Member
Dec 17, 2008
I was on ebay anyways doing my daily search and think I found the guy you're talking about. Pretty easy to figure out actually. This the guy? It does look fishy

30-Day Summary
Total bids: 20
Items bid on: 16
Bid activity (%) with this seller: 100%
Bid retractions: 0
Bid retractions (6 months): 11


Jr. Member
Mar 1, 2011
I still don't understand how this guy is a thief because he has a buddy or another account bid up the price. He is not forcing you to pay more. He isn't kicking your door down and taking your stuff. If he bids up his what he sells all the time and no one buys it, he is the loser in the end because he still has to pay the fees. It's just the nature of the beast.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
yep, decide the highest price you intend to bid and stick with it. if you let the shill up your bid it's nobody's fault but yours.


Bronco Guru
Nov 2, 2001
You know that bidder ID's are randomly generated now right? So if you see A**D several times it could be a different bidder on each auction. The only person that can see the true bidder ID is the seller. Their feedback score could help narrow it down, but the ID's are random.

Ebay is a nothing but a big game now. There are NO rules, so if you play by rules you will loose. And if you think that EBAY is even remotely interested in stopping this, all you have to know is that the more the item sells for, the more they get.