Since I’ve discussed this type of thing with numerous people the last couple years, let me try to explain the viewpoint behind this.
The 21+ Broncos are pretty much taking over the main event and making it more crowded. This not only makes it harder to visit with friends and meet new ones, it brings along a new type of enthusiast whom many of us don’t relate with. They simply don’t have the passion for the same Bronco we do. Now we all know some people have both, but most of those are more favorable to the EB and the EB people. Like another member once said, “There are Bronco people, and people who happen to own a Bronco”
Another thing to consider is the actual “Throwback”. For many of us, it all started at Talley Ho (even back to Knoxville for some!) and these were the good ole days. This was a much less commercialized setting, most people got to know each other over the years, and it felt like a big gathering of friends. This is what we want to relive. Now we have new builder after new builder, vendors selling random stuff, and bloggers who are clueless about our hobby.
This wasn’t designed to take away from the main event. It was to accommodate the long time attendees, many of whom including myself were considering not returning after last year’s totally different atmosphere. As clearly stated, all years are welcome for the main event. No one is being forced to attend either or both, and some very possibly wouldn’t have attended the normal event anyway.