Some of us still are. my first bronco I bought in high school (green avatar pic, purchased in 97) is completely torn apart and going back together. Streched the front and rear axle 4 inches each (forward and aft) .... axles built with lockers, gears, chomoly, to handle 40's. Everything underneath, inside the tub, and engine bay will look new, but keeping the original paint, scratches, scrapes and going to clear it with Vice Grip Garages sauce.
But i undersand what you mean, ive been involved with 200k + builds, and i honestly would rather have one that has soul, not just new fancy parts bolted on. They are just cookie cutter broncos imo. Impressive, just not my style.
Bryan is a perfect example for this. The two broncos he has are neither just a stock-ish restored bronco.
Technically this is my 2nd thread hyjack in this actual thread, all in one day! Youre welcome Bryan !