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Tranny cooler lines


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
So what do I think the pressure is? I think it would be around 5~10 PSI in the cooler line. Someday I will get around to putting a gauge on it.

As far as switching the fluid, follow the recomendations of the transmission rebuilder. If you don't the warranty is as good as toilet paper, and not the soft double ply either. The tranny rebuilder knows what clutchs went in and that has the biggest effect on what fluid to run. Personally I don't run a C4, too old. The computerized 4R70W is so much nicer in my opinion and is what I run.


Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
Broncobowsher said:
So what do I think the pressure is? I thinkPersonally I don't run a C4, too old. The computerized 4R70W is so much nicer in my opinion and is what I run.

I hear ya. I want to get my rig back on the road quickly during this build-up. I'm actually going to start looking for an 5L HO with mechnical AOD for my nect mod. Does it ever stop? ;)