Wait... A 750 is too small(!) for a 302-based engine build in a Bronco? What the heck kind of cam do you have in there?
Never heard of such a thing in the normal engine world. Too large, yes, all the time. But too small? Not very often.
With super-hipo builds maybe, but anything shy of 600hp should be able to breathe through a 750 carb. Just might need larger jets.
What power level do you estimate you're running up to? And at what rpm?
Ok, so that's not using any hard and fast rules based on CFM, efficiency, blah blah blah, or any calculations. Just on fairly common knowledge stuff. There are probably a lot of variables, and your guys are likely a lot more experienced and maybe are using a dyno? If so they could tell if the carb is causing a restriction especially at higher rpm. And carbs don't always flow their rating in every condition anyway. Maybe they found through testing that you were losing some fuel on the top end.
Must be pretty severe if they think re-jetting is not going to work, but a larger carb will.
Pretty normal to utilize sub-1000cfm carbs on engines of less than 800bhp I think.
Probably a crossover gray area in there somewhere above 600 of course, so maybe I'm over analyzing it with bad, or limited info on my part. But what size are they talking? An 800cfm carb? Maybe an 850, or even a 1000cfm carb? Or something in-between?
Using the same intake, or going with a larger footprint? If the same, then I'm guessing they're keeping it below 900cfm.
I was curious before, but now I'm REALLY interested!
Can't wait to see the video either, and see the News at 11 too!