It's been almost 10 months and I just now got my Bronco back in the garage! I left it with a body shop that was recommended to me around December 15th of last year. I told him that I would be in Texas for the winter so wouldn't need it back until mid-April. That's four months. I gave him a heads up as a reminder in early March since I hadn't heard anything from him. Home in April and he hadn't even touched it. There was a lot of bitching and I finally got it back July 28th. I took it right back the next week for some obvious do overs such as a hood that couldn't be opened. I took it to him stripped of all trim, interior door panels, anything that I could take off and put back on myself. He took off even more stuff like the windshield wipers and the guts to the doors. I spent 4 days of reassembly including new weather stripping. That task is done with the exception of getting a bikini top on. I plan on getting BC Broncos nice top next spring.
The transmission issue that started all of this is still not behind me. When I drove it the short 5 miles of side roads back to the body shop, I had a clatter all the way there. It stops when the clutch is depressed. That is the only miles I've driven it since they "fixed" it. It goes back to them next Wednesday. This all started the last week of September last year and my intention is to drive it to OCBR this September. Cross you fingers. I'll get pictures of finished product up later today.