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Whats your opinion on spending money for a catalog that we should receive free


Full Member
Jan 17, 2010
I have hit almost every website looking for parts. I have placed orders from almost everyone and one thing that I keep coming across is that these vendor want money for their catalogs. Here I am spending money and they can't even include one with my purchase. They want an additional $5-$10 for their catalog. I have spent over $1800 in parts so far and I know I am not the only one out there restoring one. You would think it would make good business sense to include a catalog with a purchase to further more sales but I guess common sense is sadly lacking with these vendors. What your opinion?


Bronco Guru
Oct 9, 2004
I have ordered from each vendor on this site and with each order I received a catalog tucked in with the parts.


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
No Bronco vendor has ever charged me for a catalog.
I know they have a $ amount on them but any time I have ever asked for one they have gladly sent it for free. Toms sends me a new one every time I order.


Glad to be here.
May 15, 2006
New Hampshire
I am glad to pay $5 for a catalog to look through. They have all their parts online to see but sometimes I just prefer paper, and it costs a boat load of money to print one. It keeps me from requesting them all the time, but I do like to keep them on file so occasionally I will order one.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
Must be your sparkling personality Evian! ;) ;D
Whenever I order goodies, catalogs are in the box.

Although BC's doesn't have a print catalog anymore.


Bronco Guru
Feb 23, 2006
No Bronco vendor has ever charged me for a catalog.
I know they have a $ amount on them but any time I have ever asked for one they have gladly sent it for free. Toms sends me a new one every time I order.

Same here, and as a matter of fact, I just received there new catalog this morning! I love when I order from Toms after 3pm and there's a knock on my door at 8am the next day!;D ;D ;D


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
I don't pay for catalogs. I figure if they want me to buy their parts they will send me their catalog to facilitate my purchase.
I only buy from venders with online catalogs or free print catalogs


Full Member
Jan 17, 2010
Apparently, some of you guys haven't looked where I have looked. Those that provide a catalog I love. I have purchased a lot from Tom's Bronco Part over and over again. Why, because he sent me a 170 page catalog with my order. Bravo Tom's Bronco Parts!!!


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I used to like to get the catalogs even if I had to pay for them. Usually I've gotten most of them free though and with the internet I dont really need them but I still like to have them. Usually get 1-2 with my bronco diver subscription and 1-2 at bronco events so I usuallt get them one way or another for free.
I'd rather they charge me for a catalog then give out free ones and charge me more for parts or go under because costs are to high.


Bronco Guru
Jun 1, 2005
Its so much easier to just look things up online - compare prices, see multiple photos, reviews, etc... Paper catalogs really don't serve much purpose anymore - except for when you're on the can.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
Its so much easier to just look things up online - compare prices, see multiple photos, reviews, etc... Paper catalogs really don't serve much purpose anymore - except for when you're on the can.
Yes, the internet is easier to find something that you are looking for, but it's much easier to browse and find things that you are not looking for in a paper catalog.
I like both.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
From what I've seen so far, I'd disagree with that still. For the time being at least.
Many of the catalogs I see still have boatloads more info than most of the websites I visit have had, up to now. Yes, they're getting better and some are better than the company's catalog, but I seem to still have to search for parts that end up not being there because "they have not been added to the site yet." and hunt for information that's "supposed to be there" but hasn't quite found a page of it's own yet. And the only reason I know the stuff exists in the first place, is because I saw it in a catalog first!
Of course, sometimes it's there and I just can't find it because (and I run into this a lot still too) the link from one page will get you there, but the link from another page doesn't link to the right place, or the link doesn't exist until you hit just the right spot. Yeah, it's partly because I suck too, and can't always figure it out. But I sure give it the old college try.
But of course, there's always the "our website is "intuitive" so you can find everything you need claim." ...blah, blah, blah.
There's really not much excuse for that excuse any more, but it's still there. Parts that are in the catalog but not on the site. Information in the form of special notes, installed pictures, little anecdotes to make it a more personal experience and other things don't seem to make it to all the websites in a timely fashion.
I've even worked for companies that, although they had dedicated internet personnel, professional photos galore and more on the way, committees just to dispense info on new products, and they STILL couldn't update a website in anything less than 6 months.
Granted, that's quicker than a new catalog can get printed, and a LOT cheaper, but a lot of the sites just seem "lacking" for lack of a better word.
And some are just plain idiotic to navigate! And, to think, in this day and age too.

So I'm waitin' for it, but still hoping for, and reading my catalogs when I have the option.


ps: Evian, what company wouldn't give you a catalog after spending that much moolah with them? Just curious. I don't blame any company for sometimes at least wanting some money for their catalogs, but I will agree that after spending that much money, a free catalog would have been the least they could do.
So I'm sure we're all curious here.


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
I too disagree I may look on line but before I order I call and say send me a book I can look at .. Or I ask questions until they give up .. Or I say well I'll try someone who will give me a catalog thank you.....I want the book not the net.

Nightmare Bronc

Sr. Member
Aug 22, 2009
I think the vendors I have ordered from throw in a catalog. I don't think I have ever received one in the mail just sent for free. But yea if I am going to spend money with them I would like a free catalog, which they have done. Thanks


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
Ahh but thats how I end up spending money that I don't have!!!! ;D
True again, but that's what credit cards are for ... :) ;D :p

... and this site doesn't help much, everytime I see something cool, I think.. I want that!


Bronco Guru
Jan 23, 2005
i will pony up 5 or 10 dollars for wildhorses catalog any day. tons of useful info. i can call chuck at bc's and he will answer questions. but as a customer you have to decide if it worth not spending the 5 or 10.00. i bet on a large purchase if you tell them first thing you want a catalog they will include it. but that is me......


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
You need to attend some Bronco events. They always have stacks of free catalogs.

I have not needed one in a wh9ile now. But I remember simply asking if they would toss in a free catalog with the order. Generally they would. But that was back in the day when the economy was doing good. I am sure a bit of it now is simply some belt tightening.

I understand if they no longer just throw a catalog in with each order. Those cost money. But it is a good way to get rid of the aging stack of catalogs.

As for the internet thing...
When I go to SEMA I pick up the thick, heavy paper catalogs. Even when the lightweight CDs are right next to them. I find stuff on paper so much faster and better then with a computer. I find it better to thumb around catalogs and find things I would never have found any other way. Now when searching for exactly what I want, computers are great. But I don't work that way too often.


Bronco Guru
Jun 15, 2009
1. Tom's always includes a new catalog with anything I order*.

2. They also pass them out at Fab Fords each year, and it seems other vendors do at events somewhat near them, as was mentioned in an earlier post.

3. From a business standpoint, the printing of mailing of catalogs is an expense, and I'm guessing that all the vendors are trying to trim expenses these days. While most are glad to give catalogs to repeat customers, I can imagine that mailing out a catalog to anyone who calls up to request one (on the vendor-paid toll-free number?) probably has a limited return value.

I remember that in the pre-internet days, there would be a charge to mail out a catalog from lots of different companies, but they'd credit that on your first order. That way if you were for real it wouldn't actually cost you anything.

4. *I usually keep one of Tom's printed catalogs in my Bronco, even though I always order online. That way if I meet a stranger who is curious about Broncos, I can pass along the catalog to perhaps inspire them to become an owner once they see how available the parts are.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I'm with Dirtdonk there always seems to be more good technical info/tibits in the books than on line. And some of the on line catalogs are a PITA. I've looked up stuff before found it then went back later on and had trouble finding it again. In the catalog I usually know right were it is.