So, I'm noticing allot of "bottle jack" comments too.. Great to have, no doubt.. In my mind though, they are two totally different tools for very different jobs. I suppose, on the trail with hard packed ground, a bottle jack would be fine in most situations.. But, the bumper jack, or "mud jack" as we used to call it is priceless in the mud and suggar sand of S. Fla.. MY experience is mostly in the Glades, where, a bottle jack would simply sink into the ground and you'd never get anywhere.. A 48 or 60" bumper jack is the only way to get your suspension unloaded and tires high enough to back-fill the holes those 37's are hiding in.. Even then, you need to have the base on a decent peice of plywood or something.. We've also used the jack to lift the vehicle out of the "rut", then push it sideways, off the jack... Effectively, you can turn the vehicle arround on a fairly narrow trail if you needed to.. Dangerous, but when you're dumb enough to burry your truck in the soft mud 15mi from anywhere, you do what you have to do to get out..%) Its all about respecting the tool and realizing that it could kick out or fall to the side at any time...