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Why do YOU love YOUR Bronco?


Sr. Member
Jul 27, 2009
Banning, CA.
I love mine because my kids love to go in it, wife loves it, looks awesome, tons of fun just waiting to happen at the turn of a key. I love the way it looks and sounds. They are just a straight up bad @ss vehicle. One thing that I really love is when people say "nice j&&p" and I get to say, " its not a j&&p, its a bronco" The puzzled look people get like , WTF ? gives me a proud feeling of knowing I just blew their mind !

Thunder Chicken

Sr. Member
May 5, 2008
why ?

it wakes my neighbors when i start it
noone else i know has one
its just plain cool
my son and i work on it together and soon he will have one that i give him that we will work on as well

enough said


Jr. Member
Jan 22, 2010
Wilmington, NC
I love my Bronco because there is no better vehicle than an EB for a son, or daughter, to "cut their teeth on" and learn all about "wrenching and wheeling"....I bought my 74 Bronco Explorer for our oldest son in 1996 while we were still living in Fayetteville, NC. Tragically, he was killed in a train accident 3 months after we purchased it. Now whenever I crank it up and hear the sound of its exhaust, I remember how much he loved and enjoyed it for the short time he wheeled it before he died. He even nicknamed it "Blue Thunder". He and all his buddies were into camping, canoeing, hiking, 4x4s, and anything to do with the great outdoors. They all thought he had the coolest ride that any of them owned at the time. In the ensuing 14+ years since his death, my job demands have caused us to move from Fayetteville to Florida to Mississippi and finally back to North Carolina (Wilmington). We have hauled the Bronco with us at each move. My youngest son, who is now 27 years old and still living in Mississippi, used it as his daily driver during high school and college. Unfortunately for him, with the financial demands of marriage and a growing family, he could not afford the upkeep on the Bronco and its ownership reverted back to me. He even gave it a new nickname ($ Money Pit $). Because of the emotional attachment my family has to this Bronco, I will never allow it to be sold. Anyway, now that I am semi-retired, I need something to spend my time and money on other than golf or becoming a beachbum. Besides, I also have a 5 year old grandson here in Wilmington that is now serving his "apprenticeship" with me and well on his way to becoming another certified "Broncoholic"....;D


Bronco Guru
Feb 10, 2007
I love each one in a different way. I like the way everybody looks at you rolling down the road. When im driving the trail rig around, it tuns me into "All American Bad Ass". The FE big block sounds Wicked. Having all that horse power under my foot is a rush!


Sr. Member
Feb 13, 2007
Chandler, Az
I love my Bronco because I use it as a teaching tool for my 3 sons. I try to get them involved in just about every upgrade or repair. They love it as much as I do.

AND we can go camping where lesser vehicles fear to tread. Last weekend we went to the top of four Peaks (East of PHX) for a bit of wheelin and camping.

It's hard to find time to camp what with school, scouting, and after school sports but I try to make the most of it. My Boys love to camp too, that's what makes it all worth while.

Here's from last weekend;


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all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
I love each one in a different way. I like the way everybody looks at you rolling down the road. When im driving the trail rig around, it tuns me into "All American Bad Ass". The FE big block sounds Wicked. Having all that horse power under my foot is a rush!

and chicks dig bent tie rods!!! ;D


Full Member
Jan 25, 2010
I love mine because it helped me get my sac back. New trucks are nice but they lack sac. All the modern stuff spoiled me. I sold my loaded 4 door truck and my heep wrangler and bought my 73 EB. I like smelling like exhaust when i get home from work, i like the way it rides like a tank, and i love seeing my little boy in the back seat cruising around with me.


Sr. Member
Dec 24, 2008
goodyear AZ
i got mine to replace my addiction to harley's . its been a love hate relationship i've sunk a ton of money in it i've cussed it and i've praised and i love driving it . i drive mine every day i get out in the hills at least once a week . my daughter thinks its the coolest thing ever she thinks its hers . i've got freinds with jeeps fj's and blazers it fun to lead them around in a 37 year old truck especialy when they cant follow or wont ;D . every thing i own is a ford and my bronco is by far my favorite .


Full Member
Mar 30, 2010
Nor Cal
I Love my Bronco because it lets me ride it whenever I want, it never tells me No. It doesn't talk back and her headlights are still straight and perky!;D


Jr. Member
Aug 17, 2009
Rapid City, SD
I love my Bronco cuz it's a FORD! I have owned mine for 15 years. I only drove it for the first 5. Blew the clutch but knew I did not want to discard it. I stored it when I moved to Chicago. NOw that I am back in SD, I am working on it again.

A few months ago, I started the build and every day has been a challenge and every day has been rewarding. They are cool to work on. I think some guy said its like a Mustang with 4 wheel drive. ABSOLUTELY! They are fun to drive. They are bigger than a Jeeps but smaller than a Blazer or FSB. They go more places than most.

ITS A FORD...do I need say anything else!


Bronco Guru
Jul 10, 2010
Pacific Moist West
Kind of long roundabout trip to the EB for me. Always been a cheby guy. Restored a few and loved 'em all and still do. Twenty-six years ago my wife and I borrowed a BII to take on our honeymoon, because our 1970 Pinto probably wouldn't have made it to the coast and back. Earlier this year I went out and bought a couple BII's for nostalgia sack. Of course, all I could think about was droping a 302 in one them. I started noticing a few EB's on the street and I was sucked in. I've always loved the look. I searched for a couple months before finding my '74. I absolutely love this rig. Considering my last hobby was a C6 Vette with 450 hp to the ground, I find this rig just as much fun to drive. I love doing mods and as they say "an EB is never finished". It's the perfect rig for me. I see a 400 hp lumpy 302 in my future.;D


Jr. Member
Aug 24, 2010
Geary OK.
I'll let Kris tell ya

I have seen the morning burning golden on the mountains in the skies.
Achin' with the feelin' of the freedom of an eagle when she flies.
Turnin' on the world the way she smiled upon my soul as I lay dying.
Healin' as the colours in the sunshine and the shadows of her eyes.

Wakin' in the mornin' to the feelin' of her fingers on my skin.
Wipin' out the traces of the people and the places that I've been.
Teachin' me that yesterday was something that I never thought of trying.
Talkin' of tomorrow and the money, love and time we had to spend.

Lovin' her was easier than anything I'll ever do again.

The words from the song above were my dads favorite, every time we work on pepe those words come to mind

I traded my Harley straight across for PEPE ( insert motorcycle wreck here and family bitchin about my new bike )
She is something I have wanted since I was a kid. My dad and I built my first car a 65 mustang from 2 wrecks and 2 years. Now my boy and I are working on his future ride. My dad is passed now so it brings a lot of memories back for me. This is something that will be in my family for generations, I hope.

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Rox Crusher

Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2008

* it is like a time machine, bringing me back to a simpler time when it was perfectly acceptable to have something functional without having to have every little creature comfort

* I get to take my daughter down to the sonic in it

* my little boy loves to go in it too...............daddy, let's go in the "bonco"

now if I can only get my wife to appreciate it