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Why do YOU love YOUR Bronco?


Bronco Guru
Oct 9, 2004
Wow I think I could wrote about 4 pages on this, But will try to condense it.

I got to spend time with my Uncle James!
We built it, not bought, all new everything, it has 1900 miles on it and I have put every one on it.
Next would be the 300/NP435 combo, Why Ford never did this i don't know!


Full Member
Jan 3, 2008
Well....Mine was my first car! I got it when I was 16 and have kept it ever since. When I was 15 I wanted something that the doors and top would come off of and of course go wheelin in. My parents would have nothing to do with the no doors and top thing....Soooo, my love for Broncos was born. My parents helped me purchase one found in the mountians of WV and we brought it home for $900. The next day my Dad came home from work to a cleaned up (but rusty) topless and doorless Bronco! Its all been a learning experience from there...6cyl to 302 swap, Toploader conversion and countless other little things. I will never forget riding in my Dad's truck back to Charlotte sitting in the middle of the bench seat looking into the rearview mirror at those two circle lights staring back at me. It was love at first sight.

And now....I'm 31 and my 6 year old tells me its going to be his when he is 16.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
I'll echo other sentiments. I built mine to my liking, its the first vehicle I've ever restored, and it takes me places my daily driver can't go. On top of that, its somewhat unique and its the only one on my block.


Sr. Member
Sep 5, 2001
whydo you love your bronco

there are so many reasons i love my "deeply rooted physcological disorder". my dad has a '74 that he bought brand new. i was two, and have so many memories growing up in that truck. he promised it to me then changed his mind. so taking the "oh yeah, i'll show you" approach to life, i went and found my own. she's nowhere near done, but when she is, i'll know that i did it myself. and if the day should come that either one of my daughters wants it for their own.....it shall be theirs, and thus, the cycle shall be complete, and the demons will have been slayed..... nothing puts a smile on my face quicker than when my 5 year old says "daddy, can we play in the bronco". its a time machine to when me and my brother played in my dad's 74.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2007
Arlington, TX
There are so many reasons I could go on and on...but I read on here one day (I don't remember who said it) it's like having a mustang with four wheel drive and I think that sums it up pretty good.;D;D


Bronco Guru
Jun 20, 2001
I've had a few broncos over the years, each one has had something that stood out for me. However, the 68 half cab I just bought, I love it. My dad (he is firmly in his 70's) hearing me talk about it after I bought it, has been very excited about it. He taught me a lot about mechanics and instilled a love of broncos in me. When I was a pup, he was always pulling my 68 camaro out of a ditch with his bronco. This 68 half cab is exactly the bronco i've been looking for. I haven't even brought it home yet and it is now my dad's bronco. And for that, I love this Bronco.

I was going to do a build thread, but it would have been a pic of my dad with the bronco and the word "done" below it.



Sr. Member
Jul 31, 2010
Wow, for me it is alot like Smoke. My earliest memories where with my dad's light blue 72 Bronco (and his jeeps, but dont tell anybody)....My family actually moved to Fla from Ohio in that Bronco is 1982. My father passed away 8 years ago, I have always wanted to build one like dad had, every time I open the hood, climb in the seat or even look at it, I think of him....I will never sell my Jeep b/c it is the last thing we built together, I fully expect to be stuck with the Bronco too!!


Foolproofness Tester
Mar 15, 2006
Bowling Green, KY
I wouldn't quite say I love mine yet, but it grows on me every day. I have several vehicles I "learned to drive" in, but my Bronco is the earliest, I was driving it at 6 years old with Dad's help of course. It's been in the family since it was new, bought by an Uncle that died before I was born, sold to my Dad who used it all during my childhood, and now I'm trying to bring it back to glory. In many ways it is a member of the family, so I'm proud to keep it that way by fixing it up.

Mine is still a bucket of rust, so I'm starting that journey of learning all the skills needed to fix it up, Dad is helping me so it's become a great family project as well. (I don't think you ever finish a Bronco, right guys?)

I'm itching to drive it and show it off, all I got to do in the short term is finish the brakes, get it on wheels, a seat to drive in, and I can at least get it on the road and shaking the rust off under it's own power! Then comes the fun stuff.

TM Toys

Sr. Member
May 9, 2007
Barboursville , VA
like others have said so many reasons ,,, why I do !!
but my main reason would be.. I did this built to thank my dad.

I lost him the day I was @ the DMV getting it on the road, so he never got to see it . So to thank him I spent the next 1.5 yrs using his tools/ hardware , whatever I could use to build what I call my Project 68 ...
thanks dad for eveything u have thaught me over the yrs ,,

So I wuv my EB , cause everytime I see / drive and or talk about it, it reminds me of him ..:)

thanks for this tread ,, and to all that shared their story w/ us .


Tyler T. - EB Obsessed
Sep 3, 2007
I love mine because it was my first car and represents SO much to me. I still feel like I am in High School when I climb up in it. Yes I HATE it at times too, but that is the sames as any other relationship I have had before, car or girl. :) It represents more and more all the time, my father is dying and it makes me think about all the wrenching, wiring, cutting and beating on the thing we have done over the years on it together. It will always bring back great memories of times with my dad and of the place I grew up in. It reminds me of how wonderful Wyoming is and how this vehicle seems to have been made for that place. I now live in the city, and my Bronco at least gives me a small piece of home. Just this weekend I was working on replacing the carpet and found a dozen or so shell casings, left over form all those afternoon and weekend jaunts to the mountains, shooting gophers, prarie dogs, and pretty much anything else that moved, getting ready for Elk season. Wow, this is a little long, sorry... Anyway, love the Bronco.. :)


Grease Monkey
Jun 11, 2007
Ridgefield WA
Smokeeater wasn't asking why you love Broncos. He was asking why you love "your" Bronco.
My Bronco, or should I say our Bronco, is the first car we bought together. We ordered it new in '77. We ordered it like the blue one in the brochure. It showed up, at the Ford dealership, on a truck, with three matching brothers. My sweetie primarially drove it for the first five years. I drove it for a short time. Then our three sons each had it. We took it on just about every vacation I can remember. We got it back and it was still in swell shape. We put back into it as much as it cost new.
Love the car? Hell no! I love what reminds me of. The best of times. It could have been any old car. I was just lucky it was a Bronco. I don't think you could possibly understand. ;)


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Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
These are some really cool explanations and stories. Anyone else seeing a trend here? Fathers and sons, family outings, and great memories of days gone by. Keep them coming guys, this thread is going exactly where I wanted it to.


Sr. Member
Feb 23, 2005
It's hard to follow these stories. I have no long bond with mine or family members and my Bronco. No great memories of growing up in one. What I do have is the joy it has brought me in the past 5 years. My son and I work on it together and we ride. He is almost 14 and he can swap the carb and change the head gasket on it. I watch his feet as I shift the three on the tree and he is flawless in his feel of the RPM's as he pretends to shift. My son will learn to drive in my Bronco. I love my Bronco because in 20 years Jed will be posting on this thread and give a heart felt reason why he loves his Bronco and his memories of us working and riding and goofing on/in/with it.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
It takes me anywhere I want to go and it does in classic style. To me it represents what I was fighting for over 23 years in the military, freedom.


Bronco Junky
Aug 28, 2008
Easton, MD
I love my bronco for alot of the same reasons others do. I built it my self, my blood, sweat, tears, and hard earned dollars went into it. I enjoy driving my wife and family around in it and always look forward to wheeling it. It is the most fun car/truck I have ever driven and get more positive coments than any other car/truck I have owned. It truly has become a part of my family.:)


Bronco Guru
Apr 2, 2008
Olathe, Kansas
Past, Present and Future, great memories of driving it, going places in it, working on it. ect ect. just last weekend I took my 9yr old daugher and four of her friends to the doughnut shop after a fun night of games and sleep over,, they will all remember climbing up in Victoria's Dad's Bronco, and riding around.. and as they grow older and see broncos it will bring back memories of good times..


Full Member
Sep 20, 2009
It's a FORD, I can work on it, it's cool............and my wife likes it.


New Member
Jan 18, 2010
Portage, MI
It was my first vehical i paid for it and built it with hard work and a very good learning experience for me and I learned a lot from my dad and many other friends and the forum . I also like the looks i get as a kid getting out of my truck in the parking lot