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Won't Start after Centech Installed!


Bronco Guru
May 24, 2004
I've been trouble shooting for a week now and still can't figure out my problem. I jumped ahead of myself and installed the DUI distributor during the Centech install before I cranked it using the original distributor & coil. After it didn't crank and figuring out that the new DUI didn't fit with the hood, I put the old distributor & coil back in. Now it won't start. The exhaust just puts when I turn the ignition. If I put enough gas it'll throw a flame from the carb.

First thought - the rotor is off 180 degrees. I turned it 180 and BOOM backfire from the carb, so it must be on correct where it was first (which is how I remembered it when I took it off also). So I've put it back to the original and still just PUT put PUT.

I can get a good arc from the coil wire, so the dist. is getting fire. The points are gapped correct (haven't touched them since it last ran a couple weeks ago).

What would cause this. I'm tired of killing my battery and just getting some puts from the exhaust. My timing should be close enough to start. When I took it off, the vaccuum advance was pointing straight forward and this is how I re-installed it.

Please help so I can get back on the road. Thanks.


Old Guy
Dec 13, 2002
I suspect your timing is still off. Maybe not 180 out, but off enough that it won't start. Go back to the basics. Start with the engine at TDC on the compression stroke. Mark the outside of the distributor housing at the exact center of the #1 spark plug connection. Then take the cap off, and transfer that mark to the inside of housing. With the engine at TDC on the compression stroke, the rotor should point dead center on the mark you made on the inside of the housing.


Bronco Guru
May 24, 2004
What is TDC and how do I know when the #1 cylinder is in compression? Stick my finger in the spark plug whole and wait until I feel it rise - but then I don't know if it's in compression or combusion.



Bronco Guru
May 24, 2004
Firing Order is good - I check that last night.


Bronco Guru
Nov 2, 2001
I had the same problem once. Timing was off.


Old Guy
Dec 13, 2002
SC74 said:
What is TDC and how do I know when the #1 cylinder is in compression? Stick my finger in the spark plug whole and wait until I feel it rise - but then I don't know if it's in compression or combusion.
TDC is Top Dead Center. Should be marked on the Harmonic Balancer, where you set the ignition timing. Remember the engine is a 4 stroke, which means the engine will have the #1 piston at Top Dead Center twice. Once on the compression stroke, and once on the Exhaust stroke. To make sure the piston is on the compression stroke, remove the #1 spark plug (also might want to remove all of them, to make the engine easier to turn over) and place your finger OVER, not in, the spark plug hole. When you feel the air pushing against and around your finger, the piston is trying to compress the air. This is the compression stroke, and when you do it, it will be unmistakable. Then continue to turn the engine over until the TDC mark on the harmonic balancer lines up with the timing pointer.