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Working on Bronco = Emergency room visit


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2004
Last night I was replacing my crank shaft and water pump pulleys and had an accident. I opened my hood and leaned it against the windshield frame...so I thought. It must have been on my garage door motor that was hanging from the ceiling. When I was trying to get the bolts out of the crank shaft I must have been spinning it in reverse making the angle of the hood less and less. After I got the pulley off I reached for the new pulley and started to install it. About that time the full force of the hood slammed down pinning my head between the hood and core support. Luckily for me my brother was standing there and lifted the hoop real quick. I just remember coming to on the garage floor. I have a mild concussion and five stitches on my left eye. I feel like I got lucky because it could have been much worse. I learned a valuable lesson last night so I guess something good came out of it.


Sr. Member
Mar 24, 2004
Wow-I am so glad to hear that this was not worse. Take is easy today. Please install some hood shocks. That hood is pretty freakin heavy, Thank god your brother was around.


Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
ouch!! :eek: Seems like a good advertisment for hood shox though. :) Take it easy Broncos get hungry in the spring time. Feed them some Jeeps or else...


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2002
Indian Harbour Bch,
Wow, that's a scary one! Carefull you don't barf - concusions can do that.

I just recently got another trip to the ER because of more metal bits in my eyes, when I was grinding... 3rd time in 2 yrs. And, YES I was wearing goggles, but there were gaps between my face and the glasses. I'm gonna get those big bug-eyed, Missy MisDeminer Elliott, flip-mode goggles she's got... LOL ;D ;D

Bronco Wild

Full Member
Jan 20, 2005
$hit happens dude :'( Your Bronco is most likely sorry, depending upon how you last treated her ;) We got the headers bloody last night...it's just all part of the fun and games but we do have to use common sense and not let frustration take over...sounds like yours was just a "I bet I won't ever do that again"...type a deal :)

Drink lots a wata' today!
Feb 4, 2005
Of the three associates I work with, we have 4 EB total. you can always tell what progress has been made weekly from the surplus of bandaids we all sport with our suits and ties!! take it easy, and recover well.


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2004

I didn't even think about the hood latch...that would have hurt like nothing else. Compared to the other injuries I have had this wasn't that big of a deal as far as pain, it was just a messed up situation. It's nice to know I will live to work on the Bronco another day. I don't hold a grudge.


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2004
Southwest Va
Thats a scary thought. Im glad youre ok. Take it easy a few days and get your strengh back up so you can tackle it again.


Jr. Member
Jul 6, 2004
Centralia, WA

Sounds like you got real lucky! Yeah, things could have gone a lot worse, so, a few stitches is just a bonding experience for you and your rig. For some sick reason, when I try to picture the scene in my head, it makes me chuckle and I feel really bad about that. It's probably only because I know you are okay. And probably because something like this has most likely happened to ALL of us. I have a few stories like that myself... You'll have to make it to the BBQ to hear them!

Hint...one involves a 3 on the tree 2nd gear linkage, a heater core, a wiper arm, a town called Chugwater and a pair of polyester socks.


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2004
69patriot76 said:

Sounds like you got real lucky! Yeah, things could have gone a lot worse, so, a few stitches is just a bonding experience for you and your rig. For some sick reason, when I try to picture the scene in my head, it makes me chuckle and I feel really bad about that. It's probably only because I know you are okay. And probably because something like this has most likely happened to ALL of us. I have a few stories like that myself... You'll have to make it to the BBQ to hear them!

Hint...one involves a 3 on the tree 2nd gear linkage, a heater core, a wiper arm, a town called Chugwater and a pair of polyester socks.

You know my friends did the same thing. Once they found out everything was ok they couldn't help but laugh. They think I'm a walking accident. A few years ago I tore all the ligaments in my knee so I had to have surgery for that. Last year I ruptured my Achilles tendon and I had to have surgery for that. The past three months I have dislocated my shoulder three times with the last time being two weeks ago up at TSF. I see why it's so funny to them.

I can't wait up here the stories...I can only imagine what a pair of polyester socks can bring to a story.



Full Member
Mar 15, 2004
sorry about your accident. glad you had a helper nearby.

on a lighter note:

a good friend of mine was doing some body work on his salvaged plymouth acclaim. he pulled the trunk lid off and pushed/sprung the lid arms down out of his way for body sanding. days later he forgot about them and was reaching up in the trunk yanking wires near the rear qtr wheel well, when "wiffff", a trunk arm sprung up. it grabbed the bill of his baseball cap and flung it up into the garage rafters. he felt the breeze. he couldn't find his hat. he was damn lucky he didn't loose his nose.

another one: my friend's father struck an arc on his wedding ring, -that hurt.

i was building a dog house with my father when i was 10 years old. from my view, it appeared he sunk the nail sideways out the side of the board on his side. I reached around to feel if so, and wham, he wound up to sink the nail flush with the side of the board. split the bone of my finger lengthwise. looking at the scare right now. that hurt too.

hockey, got a couple stories, but this was funny: practicing breakout. coach dumps the puck down in our end. goalie stops it behind the net, circles around, standard dance. our defensman skates down, full tilt, picks it up, and suddenly, in a mili-second, the string on his glove catches the corner of a piece of pvc laminant coming loose from the boards and he's hanging from the board by his arm/glove/string. his stick continues traveling around the boards up the the blue line. he didn't know which way was up for a while. got up and wobbled just like Rocky. luckily he didn't separate his shoulder. i still laugh hard about this one. he was a tough one.


Jr. Member
May 22, 2002
Laramie, WY
69patriot76 said:

Hint...one involves a 3 on the tree 2nd gear linkage, a heater core, a wiper arm, a town called Chugwater and a pair of polyester socks.
Would that be Chugwater, WY?