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Hanson Bumper Mass Buy! - Ends 2/15/07


Sr. Member
Dec 31, 2004
The bumper itself is an excellent quality unit. The welding is superb. It's just that using the multiple brackets to make a complete mount is to the frame and bumper seems a little rigged. I can see why they did it when you look at an earlier Hanson bumper. I would rather have a solid welded slide in mount. I will just have to modify the mounting.



Bronco Guru
Jan 8, 2002
Wellington Nevada
We found some information on how to install the bumpers..sorry they don't include these?:? .

Here are a couple of pictures and pointers . For a truck with no body lift, you should set up the main frame brackets initially at about 2.75" from the top of the bumper deck to the top of the bracket, as seen in the first picture with the tape measure. For a 3" body lift it can go like the next shot. The third shot shows the layout of the side bracket that ties into the frame in an existing hole.

I would think that it's easier to install the brackets on the bumper then put the whole thing to the frame. Rather than putting brackets to frame and then trying to mount the bumper. It can go either way, but I think that first way is probably easier;) .

Now this is only MY opinion...once you deside on your mounting bracket locations and you have trial fit everything and are satisfied...weld it up!

I hope this helps and sorry I could't get it to you guys sooner.

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Bronco Guru
Oct 7, 2006
I got the bronco home but she has no front bumper.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2001
SF Bay Area
I was thinking over the weekend, I wonder how many people are taking off their bumbers. I know I did mine last weekend and now I am ready for my new bumpers. Funny to see the front of my broncos with no bumpers. Cary, Thanks again for doing this buy.


Bronco Guru
Jun 5, 2002
Hey Guys, Does this mass buy include the brackets for the bumper to attach it? Thanks


Full Member
Sep 8, 2001
SF Bay Area
I just picked up my front and rear bumpers at the shipping depot and there is a bracket kit with bolts for each bumper in it's own box.


Sr. Member
Mar 15, 2004
got mine, two boxes. thanks to boltbuster for receiving and delivering it.


Bronco Guru
Jan 8, 2002
Wellington Nevada
Still trying to get update shipping info from Hanson. When I get a track # and only then will I be sure its done and shiped untill them I haven't a clue as they don't seem to know either:eek: :mad: Not the answers you all deserve and I'm sorry but I can't control them.

Anyone missing bolts call Hanson and they will get them to ya.



Bronco Guru
Oct 7, 2006
I called Hanson and their powder coater's wife had a baby, so no bumpers this week. They should have some more to go out on Wed of next week.


Bronco Guru
Jan 8, 2002
Wellington Nevada
I called Hanson and their powder coater's wife had a baby, so no bumpers this week. They should have some more to go out on Wed of next week.

Like I have repetedly said when they have a shipping # then we will know, we have gotten to many stories to belive aditional ones.

When I know something concrete I will let everyone know. I am not gona get anyones hopes up by listening to speculation..big waste of time!


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Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Hey all. Been working with Cary kind of in the background and figured I'd check out the thread again. First time in awhile and I think I can add a few cents of my own to clear some things up. I see some negatives growing, which is kind of common on mass-buys it seems, and hoped I could put a positive spin on some of them. Some of you no doubt know my Mantra "...remember the Cibié mass-buy..."
So kick back, and read on...

First off, when Cary actually placed the order, he sent it to me first. I then looked over all the orders for any discrepancies in part numbers, prices, adress', shipping costs, things like that, and then put them on official Hanson order sheets. If I remember, that was on or about Monday, Feb. 26. Well, sorry to say, it took me about two days to go through things and put it all down on the order forms and fax them to Hanson. It shouldn't have taken me two days, but with all the other stuff I was doing, it did.
To add insult to injury, when I tried to fax them in, Hanson's entire phone system was down with weather issues (mountain weather can be a real pain!) for two full days(!) and between multiple tries and being gone on Friday, I finally got the fax through to them on Saturday the 3rd of March. Which means that they didn't officially have paperwork in their hands until they got in on Monday the 5th.
Between Cary and I calling them several times over the previous weeks, they knew an order was coming for several bumpers. And even though I'd also gotten through on a cell phone to verify that the shop phones/fax were indeed down and to let them know the orders were coming, as said, they didn't actually have paperwork until Monday.

In spite of what it looks like though, it really didn't delay things much because, knowing it was coming, they'd already started getting things initially lined up for the pending order. Things like material orders and the like. And from experience, I know how long these kinds of things can take, so I wasn't too worried about a few days being any kind of real trouble.
So, not too traumatic so far. And as Cary mentioned in a previous post, we still sent the orders in before he'd received all payments/deposits. Just because, in spite of early estimates, it's well known how long these things can take. And not just with Hanson, but with many small manufacturers.
We even had to cancel one of the orders when the customer changed his mind and the payment never materialized. It was a gamble, and one of the last orders received, but I wanted to let you know that he did indeed send it in before all monies were collected, so as not to delay things more than needed.
I think that's where one of the delay issues keeps cropping up. Some of you sent your payments in very quickly, but things didn't happen instantly after the buy was closed. It still took some little time to verify things, and receive payments.
Again, not too much, but it's starting to add up.

Right up front though, if I did cause any delay, I apologize for it taking a few extra days at my end. So please don't blame CT Performance or Hanson for initial timing.

Another percieved delay, I think, is how things are shipping. Some items have already shipped, as you've seen. Even sooner than originally estimated in fact. Other bumpers are finished, but due to shipping constraints, are waiting for another item before that order can ship out. Since they are going via truck, a front bumper is not going to ship without the rear bumper. So you might have heard through calling them, that a bumper was "ready" at one point in the last couple of weeks, but has not actually shipped yet. They're waiting. And that's the main reason for some inconsistencies from what I understand.

Right now they do have a few of our orders partially sitting there waiting for another part. Originally, they'd thought that the full Brush-Guard version front bumpers would be the last built. As it turns out, the tire carriers are taking longer to get in the lineup than expected, so those are what we're waiting for now, to complete some more orders at this point.
One person's front has even been delayed just because it's going to go out with another order to save in some shipping. His front bumper has been ready for awhile now, but is waiting for the other guy's tire carrier. Sorry 'bout that Kanter.
I'm still pretty sure though that you're saving money doing it this way. If we'd thought it wouldn't, we'd have suggested keeping them separate so that your front wouldn't delay his rear! Shows how that worked out though. Now his rear is delaying your front.

I see also that, according to what Kanter heard, they're now having a delay issue with the powder coater too. That's unfortunate, but hard to get around. The good news I can (possibly?) surmise from that is that it sounds like they might have some tire carriers ready to get coated. If that's the case, then that's good news and means that once they're coated and back at the shop, they can ship.
That's a lot of "if's" and "maybe's" in this scenario of course, so as Cary said, nothing is etched in stone until they have a tracking or PRO number from the shipper and it's left the building. And even then it's not etched in stone for you until you see it on your porch!

At this point it's just a hurry-up-and-wait game. And calling them won't make it happen any faster. No, we don't check in with them every day. And won't. They know we're out here waiting and are doing what they can.
Been there at the other end and it doesn't (usually) change things. So please, for those of you that are calling and calling Hanson, wondering where your order is, please talk to Cary or me about it first.

To reiterate, if we take it from actual receiving the paperwork, we're right at 8 weeks. A long time for sure, but not out of line for this type of product and volume order. I aplogize though if original estimates were a bit off. Even if we go back one more to when they knew it was pending, we're at 9 weeks, and, as hoped, some of the orders have already shipped. Not as many as they would have liked to report, but more are coming.

Nobody (including us) likes to wait after they've paid for something, but semi-custom parts still take as long as they take sometimes. So bare with us a little longer.

We have to remember that Hanson is a small manufacturer. A fab shop with a specialty product actually. And not a company with an entire assembly line banging out hundreds of products a day and sitting on your money. Each of these products is still built by hand. The tire carriers are now fitted to the bumpers to make sure that all the stuff works together. Many of the individual components are pre-cut pieces ordered from an outside vendor, so are subject to all the usual issues there too. During this time, employees have been out sick, one spent time in the hospital, now the coater is pregnant. It never ends.
They do what they can, in the time they can, with the parts they have. And do a pretty darn good job of it too. If they have additional time for something while they're waiting for, say, tire carrier components, they'll finish off a grille-guard or whatever.
So my excuse is that there's almost no way to estimate EXACTLY, within a narrow window, how long it will take. And I should have made sure this was said more often.
When Cary and I first talked about this, Hanson had thought 3 to 4 weeks was good for a smallish order because, at the time, things were getting pretty caught up. He (Cary) thought it should be bumped to 4 to 5 weeks, just to be cautious. From my experiences with manufacturers of all types I thought 6 to 8 weeks was a more reliable minimum. That way, if they got out early, great! Everyone would be happy. If they took longer than expected, then the 8 weeks would cover our butts. Well, almost anyway.
With the real-world being what it is, it's now taking a bit longer still. But not much longer. We're still in what I think, and hope you agree, is a reasonable window of error in estimating. Sorry, I know that doesn't help you all, but it's in the way of bringing us all on to the same page.

And like Cary said, if you need an update on your order or on shipping, call us. We'll try to keep the updates more regular. If you have a problem with the product that you do recieve, whether shipping damage or missing parts, THEN you call Hanson.

Sorry you guys had to read another one of my novels. It's probably good that I haven't posted before, but it's all built up inside! At least I hope now you're all as up-to-date as can be, and will be happy with your bumpers when they arrive. I know you've been waiting patiently for them. They're doing what they can for you I'm sure.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!



Sr. Member
Jun 3, 2003
Wow - thats a good story!!! I'm the guy holding Kanters bumper up!!!!:eek: Sorry man!!!

I think we are all very happy with the service and hardwork you and Cary put into this.

As I said before, I think we will ultimatly be very happy when the product arrives. It does suck waiting and the main reason for that is because we all know how sweet these things are and the anticipation is killing us.

Luckily for me I do not mind the delay as they will just be more parts sitting in my garage that I will be tripping over while trying to get my body prepped for paint.

As for Kanter - his is ready now!!!!! I owe ya a beer man!!


Bronco Guru
Oct 7, 2006
One person's front has even been delayed just because it's going to go out with another order to save in some shipping. His front bumper has been ready for awhile now, but is waiting for the other guy's tire carrier. Sorry 'bout that Kanter.
I'm still pretty sure though that you're saving money doing it this way. If we'd thought it wouldn't, we'd have suggested keeping them separate so that your front wouldn't delay his rear! Shows how that worked out though. Now his rear is delaying your front.

This is the reason I called Hanson. Shipping them together did NOT save SALGOOD or I any money.

Salgood paid $236 for shipping and I paid $125..... total of $361

Hanson said shipping is actually $231 for all 3 bumpers.

We were OVER charged $130.

Explain this to me.

My bumper has been done for over a month. I paid for my bumper to be shipped by itself. I dont see where this saved me or Salgood any money.
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Sr. Member
Apr 24, 2003
ST. Louis

Hey guys no one wants there bumpers more than I do but I do believe everyone is in the same boat that when you pay for somthing you want the product. That being said I want to thank Cary and Paul for there hard work. It totally sucks and I know from talking to Cary, NOT Hanson like it should be handled that he wanted this more than anyone to go smoothly. Some things are out of his hands and need to be put on Hanson not CT Performance. So keep on keepin on guys and get them bumpers here as soon as you can. Thanks again 69sport


Full Member
Sep 8, 2001
SF Bay Area
Here are a few pics from todays test fit for the front.




I will be doing the final touches Sat and I will do the rear. I did both front and rear plain powder coated ones. :)


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
This is the reason I called Hanson. Shipping them together did NOT save SALGOOD or I any money.

Salgood paid $236 for shipping and I paid $125..... total of $361

Hanson said shipping is actually $231 for all 3 bumpers.

Explain this to me..

Well, that's what Cary said he'd try to do, and why he suggested you call Hanson about it. He also said that as soon as we figured out where the discrepancy was, IF there was one, he'd get back to you. If I'm not mistaken, that was this morning. I believe that he also said that if we were in error, you'd get a refund of the difference no problem, even though it was an agreed upon price. Same goes for anyone that we feel was grossly overcharged based on new information. That seems more than fair. Nobody ever said we were doing it for free, but we don't expect to take advantage either.
I guess I was just hoping to get a regular statement or individual invoices to show exact costs before trying to wade through them all once again to be sure. Even though I knew that you'd expressed concern about your total.
Suggesting you call them to verify things tells me that Cary doesn't feel at all like we've got something to hide.

My plea for calling us first still applies. Your call today is certainly not the only call they've recieved, but since Cary suggested that you call about this issue, the fact of the call was not part of my concern. Only the content.
There are legitimate reasons to call them. There are plenty of reasons not to as well. Those are the ones I was referring to. Probably not a good reason for us to put them on the spot though. Since your OUR customer, not theirs, they would not normally discuss pricing with you. Under "normal" circumstances anyway.

I actually called them a couple of times myself today. The last time was to try to verify what they used to figure your freight, but I had to leave a message and have not heard back from them yet. It's Friday, and typically it's busy, so I'm not worried about getting a call back when they have time.

When I figure and re-figure it, the way I always have, it STILL comes up at the price we originally quoted. So either, they are using a different formula for figuring shipping weight than they used to, are planning on shipping it differently than other shipments (all in one box, for instance), or made a mistake when they had you on the phone and might have felt under some pressure (they must have or else they wouldn't even have quoted you a price) or they're getting a better price than anticipated from the trucking company (doubtful with fuel costs going up).
MOST of those scenarios will get you a refund. But I have to verify with them first. I was waiting to talk to them directly to confirm before discussing it with Cary, and then you.

As mentioned, I don't actually have a statement or individual invoices from them yet to compare to. And you were all quoted before Hanson ever knew what was on order, so it's all on me. What I do have however are hand-written notes about order totals that I received about three weeks into the order and can extrapolate the shipping costs from. So that's what I've been doing today.
As it turns out, I was virtually right on the money. On four invoices we lost money (sorry 'bout that Cary - it wasn't much, really). On two we were to the penny. On one we overcharged one of you guys by $1.60 (sorry about that buddy). One I didn't get a total on yet. And on yours, well, you know what's happening there.
My guess is that they're figuring yours a different way. To get anywhere near what you say, I have to reduce the shipping weight in the calculator by over 200 lbs. If that's what they're doing. No problem. Hopefully it's not a mistake.

My bumper has been done for over a month. I paid for my bumper to be shipped by itself. I dont see where this saved me or Salgood any money.

We were never told that your bumper specifically was ready to go, because it was part of a larger order that was not ready yet. And as mentioned previously, the full Brush-Guard bumpers were expected to be ready LAST of all, so I didn't ride herd on your bumper specifically, even though I was aware that by now all we were waiting on was the rear setups. As far as we were coincerned, yours was shipping together and that was that.

If by the above you mean that you paid near the same price, then you're right. But there was never a big savings quoted when I was figuring it all out. Roughly $30 or less on the whole order, to be split between the two of you somehow.
Just like it was only a couple of dollars difference between the two zip codes you gave us to check on originally.

If by that statement you mean that you paid for yours to ship separately, then that's not what I understood originally. Your last minute change to ship with the other bumpers to the same location was your decision, based on the minimal savings. Hey, I know a buck is a buck no matter where it comes from, so we didn't really have a problem sending both orders together.

But if it turns out that Hanson is shipping it differently, and yotur cost is now much less than originally quoted, then hopefully it was worth the extra wait.




Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Great pics Benzo. Got any installation tips or pointers for those about to rock?
