Going to disagree. I'm pretty sure the "perfect perpendicular" should happen at the point where the load is maximized, and therefore should occur where the valve spring load is highest. The highest spring force occurs at maximum lift, and that is the point where you want to optimize.
If you want to build the most stable valve train geometry, the roller tip contact line would be exactly centered on the valve stem at maximum impulse. As an example, a high performance spring seat pressure might be 200 lbs, and the open pressure might be 450 lbs. The load (and impulse) at max lift is vastly larger than the impulse anywhere on the ramp.
The only reason to center the rocker tip at mid-lift is if you sell camshafts (or rocker arms) and you don't want to do any actual engineering. It's "safe."
Anybody can hop around on a pogo stick with one leg. But if you want to maximize your height on a pogo stick, you want both feet on the pegs when you hit bottom.