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Resto Speedo Cluster


Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
I know others have done this but wanted to share my experience. I’ve restored several other vintage clusters but not a bronco one. This one is by far the easiest to restore…hands down. Anyone with patience can do it no problem. Here are my impressions:

1. Start by taking several pictures of front and back and continue to take pictures as you take it apart.

2. Disassembly is straight forward. Mainly just unscrewing the parts. First, I removed all the gauges by taking out the screws that hold them in on the back. Set them aside for now but be very careful not breaking the needles.

3. Remove the backing plate. It unscrews.
You should now be down to the face where the speedo needle is. Again, be careful of the needle. Carefully pop off the needle. A little gentle pull here and there around the base of the needle and it will pop off.

4. Now that the needle is off, you will see three small rivets that hold on the speedo mechanism. Use a small drill bit and drill out the back of the rivets. Drill it out enough that the rivet pops away from the plate. Don’t pry the rivet apart you might damage the face plate.

5. You can now work on the speedo gearing. You can remove the odometer barrel by taking off the small clip on one end of it. If desired, you can set the odometer to zero if doing a full restoration and your odometer is exempt in your state. Reinstall the odometer with the small tangs over the lip of the case (look at how those tangs go before you remove barrel…should be in a picture as well).

6. Put a very small amount of lithium grease on the white plastic gears and a small drop of oil in between each of the odometer barrel rings. Unless something is broken, your Speedo mechanism should be good to go. Set it aside.

7. Moving to the face plate, you can restore it by polishing or buying stickers. Mine looked fine other than the very center aluminum was pitted. I carefully sanded it with 320, then 600, then 1000, then polisher. This takes the most time but go slow and be careful not to sand in the mph tick marks or you will be forced to by the sticker kit. One you are satisfied with the face plate cleanup, set it aside.

8. Test every gauge. Start by testing the volt reg. The male spade is power in and the female is the reduced power out. Use a simple 9 volt battery and some alligator clips. Test the output. If using a digital tester, it will pulse around but the high average should be somewhere between 5 and 7 give or take. If it’s good, move to gauges. If it’s not you will need to replace it before testing gauges. Toms has new ones for about $25. YOU CANNOT HOOK UP 12 volts TO THE GAUGES OR THEY WILL FRY. This is what the regulator is for…it reduces the 12volts in to a lower 5-7 volts.

9. Using the 9 volt battery connected to the power in on the regulator, connect the power out to the power in on the gauge. Look back at your picture of the wires going to the unit and ensure you are connecting to the gauge power in and not the ground terminal. The black with white tracer is the reduced power to gauge. Connect the other terminal to the ground on the 9v battery. All the gauges should max out when connected to the volt reg. This tells you that at least they are working. If any of the three gauges (Oil, Temp, Fuel) do not max out when connected directly to the VR, the gauge is bad. You can also check the Ohms at each gauge between the terminals on the back. They should be between 8 and 15…closer to 15 is better).

10. To check the accuracy of each gauge, you need some various “resisters.” I bought several of the larger resisters years ago just to be able to test gauges like this. Good investment and they only cost a few dollars each…I’d say you can get all the resistors you need for under 20 bucks. All you do is place a resistor in the ground line. What you are doing is forcing a resistance in the line that reduces the ground flow and results in a decreased needle movement. Resistance runs in a series so if you have a 25 Ohm resistor and a 5 ohm resistor, you can connect them end for end in line to the ground source and it will equal 30 ohms. So if you purchase several resisters, just get a wide assortment so you can dial in pretty much any ohm you require. You can also use a fuel sending unit as an ohms tool. It works on any of the resistance gauges...just determine what the full and empty points are in terms of ohms and you can even mark a scale on the arm base that gives you different levels of resistance between full up and full down. Here are the resisters ohms for each gauge:

90 psi = 10 ohms
70 = 20
40 = 30

120’ = 73 ohms
195’ = 20
230’ = 10

Empty = 73 ohms
¼ = 33
½ =25
¾ = 20
Full = 10

These are all plus or minus a few Ohms but should result in a reading plus or minus the width of the needle.

11. I also used a flat black paint to paint the secondary backing plate. (it’s the one that has a chrome ring in the center and everything else is flat black). I used Testors fluorescent paint to repaint all the needles. I also used colored filter gel screen to replace the faded out blinker and hi-beam color screens (all links below). If you haven’t already, clean, sand, and paint the outside case that shows on the dash. Any color you want. Clean the glass.

12. Place the speedo gauge on the faceplate aligned with where the little rivets were. I used tiny screws and nuts to reattach the plate. They are not seen anyway, but an easy and cheap way to reattach firmly. Put it all back together. Last, install the gauges back into their places.

None of my mechanisms or gauges were bad so total resto cost was under 30 bucks. (I already had the resisters.) I'm still waiting on some paint to fully dry before final assembly. I'll post finished pics later.

6672-instrclstr.jpg View attachment 892020 View attachment 892016 IMG_6280.JPG IMG_6281.JPG IMG_6283.JPG IMG_6284.JPG Color filters.jpg Orange paint.jpg
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Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Thanks for a write up with pictures. I didn’t actually read the whole thing yet but so far it looks great!
Should come in handy for a lot of people.


Loose Cannon
Dec 1, 2005
Ringwood, NJ
I used to do these a bunch in college, I used orange contractor marking spray paint for all the needles. Its a perfect match, I also used to paint the insides of the housing (PN 10848) white so it would reflect the light from the night running lamps better. Really great writeup you did


Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
Thanks. I wonder if 10848 would be better white or silver?


Members Only
Apr 19, 2013
Agree with Bitch'nBronco, great writeup! Now I have to think about restoring my original '67 speedo instead of buying a Dakota one. Definitely post up the pics of it finished.


Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
Will do. The paint is turning out very nice. I’ve never used the stickers so can’t speak to them but they might look great. Every part for these are available. I’ll post once it’s complete. Couple days before I can get back to it. Also having a small issue on reassembly that I need to work out. Final coming soon.
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Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
OK, several lessons learned during reassembly.

The color plastic works great but I decided to use 2 layers of it in order to get the right shade of green for blinkers and blue for hi-beams. The original color discs are taped in place with scotch tap. I did the same thing but just used double layer of 1/2" x 1/2" pieces taped in the same locations.

The small half moon plate (10A939) shows in the diagram above asgoing on before 10894. That is only partially true. Only the bottom edge fits behind 10894. Its easy to first put on 10894 then just put on 10A939 and slide the bottom lip under the base of 10894. Practically, that makes it go on before 10894 but dont do it in that order.

Fourth, order of assembly:
A. Tape on the small pieces of colored lens over the blinkers and hi-beam holes where the old ones were (backside of 10894) and set it aside.
B. Now using the small screw and nut, (grind down the head of the screw thin), attach the odometer back to the face plate (17255) and set aside.
C. I took the three cardboard light cones and sprayed the inside of them silver hoping it helps reflect more light. Then place each of the cylinders into their position in the case (10848). The longer cylinder is for the hi-beam. They should be snug inside the three barbs that hold them in. If they are not snug, you can very slightly bend in a couple of the barbs to make them fit snug.
D. Place the case with the light cylinders open face in your lap. Insert the odometer and faceplate that you assembled in step B into the hole in the back of the case. Be careful not to mess up the fragile needle during this step. Take the two screws with lock washers and secure the faceplate/odometer to the case. Keep the case open face in your lap.
F. Put on the black gauge frame plate (10894) onto the faceplate. You will easily see how the holes line up. It also has little tangs that go over the edges of the case.
G. As discussed prior, now put on the half moon piece (10A939) and make sure you slide the bottom edge under the front lip of 10894. This half moon also has some tangs that go over the case. Easy to determine if you have it right because the screws holes should all line up and all the plates should be flat with no gaps when squeezed together.
H. Using your very clean glass (this is not the time to get fingerprints on the inside of the glass), set the glass in place. There are 4 tangs on 10894 that the glass sits inside of.
I. Take the rubber ring and set it around the top of the glass with the cut ends at the top. You do not attach the rubber ring to the glass, it just sets on top of the glass around the outer edge. Just get it close to the outside edge of the glass.
J. Now take the front plate (the one you painted whatever color you want to show on the instrument panel) and lay it over the rubber ring. It will align the rubber ring to its perfect position. Align the four screw holes and insert the screws.

IMG_6298.JPG IMG_6299.JPG IMG_6297.JPG IMG_6303.JPG
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Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
Thanks. Total cost less than $30. Still want to find a better small rivet solution, not for this one, but to offer to others who do this resto. Total time of actual work about 2 hours. Longest part is waiting for paint to dry. So plan on about two days from start to finish. Also very easy to remove the front plate in the future and paint any color you want if you change your dash paint scheme. I painted this faceplate metallic metal followed by couple coats of clear (both rattle can paint).
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Full Member
Apr 3, 2022
Once everything is removed I bead blasted it and painted using gray metal silver paint. If you don’t have a sand blast cabinet you could just use an sos pad, prime and paint.


Bronco Guru
Sep 25, 2012
If you can't see the guages at night, I have really good results with an LED strip.

You can buy a connector on Amazon to plug into one of the existing light sockets.

Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
That’s really great idea. And a great result as well!
Are there any of those that dim? Even if we have to wire in a special LED compatible dimmer? It’s great to be able to see them even in the daylight, but for my eyes, there has always been such a thing as “too bright” at night when it comes to instrument clusters.


Bronco Guru
Sep 25, 2012
@Jdgephar could you post a link where you bought the lights and the docket connection.
Something similar to these. Should work with the dimmer also.
Amazon LED strip

"Warm" color is around the 3000-3500K temperature range for LEDs. These are the more yellow color and will be similar to the stock light bulbs. 4-6000K is sometimes called "Daylight" or "Cool". I think the ones I used are in the 6000 range in the photos.

Connector pig tails were these:
The 10 pack is excessive, considering you only need one, but the two-pack was $8.