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Search results

  1. eaglenest66

    route 66 the plan

    That is perfect!!! Love it!
  2. eaglenest66

    route 66 the plan

    Tom, did you pass through the Des Moines area today?
  3. eaglenest66

    route 66 the plan

    Good luck Tom and keep the stories/pics coming!! tim
  4. eaglenest66

    AZ 66 steering wheel,jack strap,t-case boot

    Jack strap can be purchased through JBG.
  5. eaglenest66

    1966 Roadster in Old Film

    Found this the other day and is new to me. Not sure if it was ever posted to CB. Thought I would share. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=URxYDYZzWLE
  6. eaglenest66

    ALERT! Stolen Bronco!!

    Posted to my FB timeline as well. Just not right!
  7. eaglenest66

    Memorial Weekend -thank you!

    I would like to share pics too. Agree, memorial day is a special day for family and friends of past and present. My father was a career Naval Officer who put himself through the academy and onto a lifelong career in the military and private sector world. His tours took him all over the world...
  8. eaglenest66

    '66 Only Options/Specs

    Short shifters are usually found on the August build broncos and the long shifters came about in September. The complaint was that the short shifters were harder to shift from one spot to another. Longer ones were placed for better leverage.
  9. eaglenest66

    $549.00 Rear View Mirror ?

    Glass mounted mirrors are correct too! I believe the government required all broncos be equipped with rear views. In fact there are about six/seven different versions of mirrors I have seen over the years. And all versions were noted multiple times with multiple broncos.
  10. eaglenest66

    $549.00 Rear View Mirror ?

    That is the number one requested mirror when anybody is doing a correct restoration on a '66! Pay if you wanna play!
  11. eaglenest66

    Ladys modeling Broncos

  12. eaglenest66

    Super Celebration 2016

    Well long day for me from Des Moines, Ia. Finally quit and overnight stay just north of Louisville, Ky. Only 5 hours tomorrow!! Can't wait!!!! Trailer and roadster did great. Indy drivers not so good! Everybody thinks they are at the Indy 500! Weather was awesome with no wind. That's a...
  13. eaglenest66

    Restored Steering Wheel

    I believe I checked with him a few years ago and just never follow through. The cost sounds reasonable in perspective to finding a mint original one or buying a repop which are not the best. Is the horn ring repainted then? tim
  14. eaglenest66

    TX 66' u13

    Later horn ring too!
  15. eaglenest66

    Was the Tailgate "FORD" Body Color or?

    Bringing a roadster but no can do on your experiment!! Sorry to be a party pooper. ?:?I would think that the 2" soft roller would work best. And agree that the "One Shot" paint is excellent to use. I often use that paint to restore horn rings and buttons. Only paint that seems to stick and...
  16. eaglenest66

    Was the Tailgate "FORD" Body Color or?

    Interesting about the brayer roller. Googled and found all kinds of them and as you mentioned, used widely in the print business. So another question came up to me. What size? I see the common is 4" but also spotted 2" ones. I would think 2" ones would be easier to control for front and...
  17. eaglenest66

    MI Roadsta'

    I am 99% sure that is the Disney roadster float puller I found several years ago. That's a nice rig. Along with this one and a few others, wish I did not sell them back then. Today's worth would of well paid for storage fees and still made a hefty profit. Finding nice original EBs at a...
  18. eaglenest66

    Super Celeb 66' Question.......

    I will be bringing my '66!
  19. eaglenest66

    WA 1969 u14

    Not mine but looks like a deal for what has been done to it. https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/5463213440.html