I'm the guy that just sold it to Mr. Brown- makes me mad as hell.
I have a ton of pics I'll put up when I get back from Pine Grove.
Man that sucks!!!!!! Sad part is that there's no way that one will get sold as is, hopefully it will be found before it's parted out.
Many buyers are not savy and are first time Bronco buyers like I was. I didn't find the discrepancy until after I owned it. eBay would have bought it back but it was so solid and not stolen thankfully that I had it fixed. Someone else won't be so lucky.Need to make sure to check the frame VIN stamp, but I guess they will grind that off.
In last two weeks in Oxford ms there has been a Bronco broke down on the side of the highway,twice. Same Bronco and they leave it sitting long enough that it could be gotten. It would un nerve me to have to leave mine like that!