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Search results

  1. Deerklr

    Holley sniper no spark all a sudden

    I had a Sniper Kit in my Bronco, it kept fouling O2 Sensors and running like crap. Holley replaced it, and when the new one showed up I got the replacement unit installed. Now all my motor is doing is turning over. I am not getting any spark. The coil is getting a signal, but nothing from...
  2. Deerklr

    Body cart

    Cart for Early Bronco I used these drawings for my project, worked out awesome! https://1974fordbronco.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/img_1843.jpg?w=1000&h=
  3. Deerklr

    74 Bronco Ranger Build Advice

    I have a 74 Also Here are some numbers to think about: -Four Wheel Disc Brake Conversion, Extended Fuel Tank, 3.5" Suspension Lift kit, 1" Body Lift, Rebuild Kit for transfer Case = $5,000.00+ at Tom's Bronco Parts -Rebuild Stock 302 to a 331 Stroker $6,500+ C's Automotive Machine Shop in...
  4. Deerklr

    Barn Find Restomod Build

    Body Dolly and Lift Thanks to AZ73, I did mine last weekend. Everything worked out perfect. The wood dolly is working sweet. I went ahead and purchased taller casters and the lift slid right under the dolly. Thanks for the PDF designs!!!