You wouldnt feel right talking the original owner into selling it to you and then sell it but you are ok with flushing what makes it special down the toilet in your first move?
I will buy it if you want to sell it.
Meanwhile you want to put a 347 stroker motor in your kid daughter's rig?
Thank you for your input...I really do appreciate everybody's feedback on this. I realize these are special vehicles and I appreciate everybody's passion on the topic. Perhaps I should clear up a couple of items that I may have communicated poorly.
1. As I have indicated in comments above, I think I admittedly got carried away with the 347 option (also a 302 engine...just a little saucier) it was a simple and quick solution to a Bronco that was currently not running. Whether it was the right answer or not, I have already written the check for the engine. I could potentially stop the process, but would not be inclined to go back on my commitment unless the circumstances were quite extreme and/or compelling.
2. My question is not, nor was it ever, should I put the 347 in it. As I indicated in my opening remark, I had already decided to do that. The primary question was would it be wise to keep the original engine and transmission, and if not do they have any value / how to best capture that value?
3. This is not / will not be my "kid daughter's rig". I mentioned that "I have a teenage daughter who will drive the vehicle as well"...not that she is the primary or only driver.
4. If you, or anybody else reading this thread is actually interested in purchasing the vehicle...please share with me what approximate range you might be interested in paying. Throughout my life I have often spoken to those who want me to let them know when I am ready to sell something, but when that day arrives they are either not
actually interested or not remotely in the ballpark of the actual value. Perhaps you would be willing to purchase this vehicle for a value that would force me to change my mind on my current direction...??? Sincerely...let's talk if you are genuinely interested.
Regardless, I genuinely do appreciate everybody taking the time to chime in. It certainly gives me a better feel for the general thinking of the Bronco community as it relates to the original vs. Restomod discussion. I was just optimistic that potentially there was a way to weave the two worlds together in a way that protected the originality while improving the drivability.