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Search results

  1. 86Horn_EB_77

    WTF My P/S prob

    Thanks for the Pics. Viperwolf. I think my Russell fitting is still a bit longer than 1/2 inch - even after I cut it off. Mine was cut even with the last thread - so it might be blocking the flow more than it should. I did take a pic of the Russell vs the stock Explorer fitting - now if someone...
  2. 86Horn_EB_77

    WTF My P/S prob

    Yep - cut the Russell fitting at the bottom of the threads, then went to the parts store to grab an aluminum and a copper washer, I stacked the aluminum washer over the copper washer - it seems to be holding but I've had so much Mercon V sprayed under my hood over the past 2 days - I can't...
  3. 86Horn_EB_77

    Hydroboost 101

    82 Corvette Master Cylinder + Astro Hydroboost OK... I've search and searched... and just like my Explorer power steering pump fitting... Another major Bronco Gotcha - but I can't find anyone who's posted about the problem. I guess that makes me "special" - as in "rides the short bus to school"...
  4. 86Horn_EB_77

    WTF My P/S prob

    I can certainly write up a detail description and take some pics. I should know if my "fix" works today - I'm planning to cut about 1/4-3/8s off the bottom of the Russell fitting and then use a copper or aluminum washer to seal it to the top of the pump. The rebuilt pump came with some teflon...
  5. 86Horn_EB_77

    WTF My P/S prob

    Explorer Power Steering Pump Fitting - NO PRESSURE I wish someone would post a CORRECTION in the Explorer Serp Tech Article on this - I JUST WASTED AN ENTIRE AFTERNOON REPLACING MY EXPLORER PUMP FOR NO REASON !!! I used the Russell o-ring fitting: RUS-648060 - and it cuts off almost ALL THE...
  6. 86Horn_EB_77

    351 w/Explorer Serp & Explorer 4.0 Rad - with Explorer Mech Fan???

    Wrench a Part Trip Well - no reason to worry - plenty of 90-94 V6 Exploders at the wrench-a-part lot. Unfortunately a lot of them have trashed Radiator shrouds... I took apart 4 trucks to get 2 good shrouds/hardware - and one decent radiator. I decided to get enough hardware to get both of my...
  7. 86Horn_EB_77

    351 w/Explorer Serp & Explorer 4.0 Rad - with Explorer Mech Fan???

    I bought a new 94 V6 Explorer rad and top/bottom hoses from a 99 Explorer 5.0L today. Much cheaper than those fancy Aluminum aftermarket radiators... Headed to pick n pull tomorrow to look for a radiator shroud and the mounting donuts. I know there were plenty of V6 Exploders when I was looking...
  8. 86Horn_EB_77

    351 w/Explorer Serp & Explorer 4.0 Rad - with Explorer Mech Fan???

    Here's a pic of my "Explorer" radiator shroud - it doesn't look like anything that was on a V6 - I'm guessing it must be a 5.0 shroud from 96-01 - meaning that it is most likely too wide for an Explorer V6 radiator. (It is sitting next to my ghetto-fabulous modified-for-2-inch-Body-Lift stock...
  9. 86Horn_EB_77

    351 w/Explorer Serp & Explorer 4.0 Rad - with Explorer Mech Fan???

    Hey rjrobin2002, I owe your a beer if we ever meet at OCBR... And you get extra credit for the background pic of the Hound Dog in Pic 2 :) So that's the stock 92 Explorer Radiator Shroud? I gotta go take pics of mine - it might be from a later 5.0 Exploder - I think it has bolts on the left...
  10. 86Horn_EB_77

    351 w/Explorer Serp & Explorer 4.0 Rad - with Explorer Mech Fan???

    Guys - I've searched and searched - but can't find pics of the combination I want to build: 2 inch body lift 351W w/EFI Explorer Serp drive WITH EXPLORER MECHANICAL FAN (Plastic Fins) Explorer 4.0 V6 Radiator No need for auto trans cooler Has anyone built this combo and can you post/share some...
  11. 86Horn_EB_77

    Parking Brake Cables

    After doing a search, it seems that alot of guys are using 78-79 Big Bronco Parking Brake Cables on their lifted EBs (extra long for those of us with suspension lifts). Since my right cable is FUBAR'd, I started looking at Advance Auto (a right cable is only about $22, but a left is $44), also...
  12. 86Horn_EB_77

    tuning an A9P computer?

    Just tried the Stangnet/Mustang Forums link above and it looks like it is offline - is this a common problem? I have a 351 Lightning motor with an "unknown" (assumed stock) A9P in it - and I may need to learn all about EEC tuning (I already have a wideband O2/datalogger). I'd be curious to...
  13. 86Horn_EB_77

    tuning an A9P computer?

    Check the Marlan Davis column (Pit Lane?) in Hot Rod Mag from 2-3 months ago - a good article on ECU tuning a Ford 347 with aftermarket parts - of course it was a Mustang and the guy was in SoCal so there were tuning shops falling all over each other trying to help him out. I think he had a...
  14. 86Horn_EB_77

    EB in body shop & now has water in cylinders?

    Stock cast iron intake or aftermarket aluminum intake? I don't know about the Ford 5.0, but I had a GM 2.8L V6 that would "saw" its intake manifold gaskets until a chunk around the water port would fall out and dump coolant into the lifter valley. Maybe it's the Phoenix heat, because I was...
  15. 86Horn_EB_77

    Need E-bay or "no-name" wiring harness diagram

    WCB Harness? Based on a quick web search and a comparison to my fuse box - I'd say my universal harness is one of these: http://www.wcb4x4.com/mm5/merchant.mvc? Anybody got a wiring diagram for a west coast broncos harness? thx Jim
  16. 86Horn_EB_77

    Need E-bay or "no-name" wiring harness diagram

    OK thanks - I see that now. I guessing the factory doesn't do it that way because they want the turns to only work when the ignition key is on ?
  17. 86Horn_EB_77

    Need E-bay or "no-name" wiring harness diagram

    Muchas Gracias Viperwolf The stock diagrams I have say 75-77, so I was worried that the wire colors coming out of the column would not match - I will find out tomorrow... I've done this exercise before with my 77 so some of it makes sense - but your diagrams will certainly help. One mystery...
  18. 86Horn_EB_77

    Need E-bay or "no-name" wiring harness diagram

    Bronco is a 74, I gotta assume the column hasn't been updated. It is an auto column but the auto shifter has been removed at some point
  19. 86Horn_EB_77

    Need E-bay or "no-name" wiring harness diagram

    OK - need some help. I'm trying to trouble shoot my blinkers and horn - and few other things (like the wiper not wired up at ALL). Here's the deal - the PO appears to have used an Ebay or No name wiring harness. I can take a pic of the fuse box, but I can tell you that the wires aren't marked...
  20. 86Horn_EB_77

    McLeod Internal Hydraulic Throwout Bearing with NP435

    Thanks for the feedback. I went out and measured all the lever arm lengths on the old stock clutch linkage last night - and did some torque/force calculations assuming an 80 lb force input on the clutch pedal - probably high, but I don't think it matters.. Then I made up an excel spreadsheet and...