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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    4r70 to np205. What's needed?

    2 sticks are better than 1... ;) It just gives you the ability to have the front axle engaged (hi or low) while the back is in neutral. can come in handy in tight spots off road... The 205 is a heavy beast. you don't want to just hang it off the aluminum tail housing as the bolts are...
  2. sanndmann3


    How wide is it? I borrow a trailer and the Bronco just fits. I'm running stock axles but have 10" rims and 15.5" wide tires. I can't go to 12" rims or full size axles unless I go out and buy my own trailer too... Something to possibly consider...
  3. sanndmann3

    Stripped threads question

    I'd try the inserts as well. for threads, all you really need is 7 threads to carry the load. push comes to shove you could get away with 5...
  4. sanndmann3

    4r70 to np205. What's needed?

    Also, it is possible to twin stick the 205. I found info on the required mods to the shift rails on pirate. JB Fab sells a twin stick set up but I just sourced a 2nd 205 that was complete with shifter and adapter housing. blasted and painted the adapter and sold it on ebay for more than the...
  5. sanndmann3

    4r70 to np205. What's needed?

    Here is my experience, your mileage may vary... :) I replaced my C4/D20 combo with the 4R/205 due to continued breakage of transfer case. Apparently the low range doesn't like to be spun at 5k+ all day long... :p I was under the impression that the original crossmember could be modified but I...
  6. sanndmann3

    What to do with recent purchase

    I'd ice it for a while. Set it aside and kick around the possibilities rather than rushing into something.
  7. sanndmann3

    Like my new coyote cam covers ?

    If they were a present, doesn't that mean they were free? ;) looks sexy for sure!
  8. sanndmann3

    Lost my Bronco buddy yesterday

    Very true. I was thinking the exact same thing. My condolences.
  9. sanndmann3

    Too F***ing cool (It's a wrap done! 8-1-17)

    Awesome! you must be pumped! Good way to start the weekend. 8-)
  10. sanndmann3

    Complete serpentine kit??

    p.s. my for sale thread is here... http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=220355
  11. sanndmann3

    Complete serpentine kit??

    From the engine block front face to the front of the fan clutch it looks to be about 8.5" inches, possibly a smidge more. More info on the Explorer swap can be found here... http://classicbroncos.com/tech/explorer-5-0-serpentine-accessory-drive-belt-conversion let me know if you are...
  12. sanndmann3

    Dana 20 Rebuild?? I Need Help!!

    If they aren't making excessive noise, I'd run 'em.
  13. sanndmann3

    Engine slowly overheating

    Do you have a shroud on the radiator? How far in is the fan? should be 1/2 in and 1/2 out...
  14. sanndmann3

    Any helpful comments on towing my Bronco?

    Educate me, what is the reason for crossing straps? I've seen them both ways and always wondered what the better practice was? Thanks, Don.
  15. sanndmann3

    Any helpful comments on towing my Bronco?

    I like tying to the axles as well. Bought axle straps from local farm supply place. works pretty good so far. Might be a good idea to check straps for tightness after a half hour or so down the road. maybe check axle hubs on trailer for excessive temps too? (I just bought an infrared thermometer...
  16. sanndmann3

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Trying to finish my trans tstat install but family issues are slowing progress...
  17. sanndmann3

    Early Bronco Fixed Tablet Mount car computer media center

    I've been thinking about adding a tablet. Will have to study this video for ideas, thanks! subscribed to the thread.
  18. sanndmann3

    Roll Bar Height

    Mine was about 44" from floor to bottom of roll bar. Got rid of the hard top a dozen years ago so I have no idea if it fits underneath...
  19. sanndmann3

    What's your favorite up grade .

    351W lockers E.D.I.S. hydroboost twin stick Serp onboard air