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  1. sanndmann3

    replies not showing in "new posts"

    check out this thread from bronconut73... http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279724
  2. sanndmann3

    replies not showing in "new posts"

    I think its a feature of the new forum... you won't see it till someone else replies to it? you saw your original post so it won't be new to you... ?
  3. sanndmann3

    Who's crash is this?

    Thats got to be heart breaking! :cry:
  4. sanndmann3

    my '74 Build Thread--408W/C4/Atlas 2 3.0/35 Spline Rear

    I was going to suggest fuel injection to fix the problem but $200 for a tune and some dyno data sounds like money well spent. I'm interested in the numbers you put up.
  5. sanndmann3

    Retrosound Radio

    I'd recommend these guys... http://www.tech-retro.com/Aurora_Design/Automotive_Home.html full disclosure. The founder of the company is a very good friend of mine.
  6. sanndmann3

    forum up!

    Yay! its back up! missed getting my fix... :)
  7. sanndmann3

    Another Article About Bronco Values

    Makes me wonder how high they will go and when the price will come back down to reality...
  8. sanndmann3

    3rd Annual Bronco Take Over August 5th

    Nice pics Craig. Keep 'em coming for those who couldn't make it this year... :(
  9. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Finishing up a set for a customer, then will be working on the next... pm sent with shipping info to ObscureMachine
  10. sanndmann3

    site not accessible

    Here I was thinking it was some j**p hackers messing with the site... ;)
  11. sanndmann3

    Went back 3 years at DMV

    Welcome aboard! :) I think there were wiring changes between 74 & 75, specifically related to ignition box. If I am remembering correctly, I had a 74 wiring diagram and the colors weren't matching up to my 75 parts. If you are going EFI, it may become a mute point...
  12. sanndmann3

    BC Broncos updated website.

    cool. will have to spend some time checking it out.
  13. sanndmann3

    3rd Annual Bronco Take Over August 5th

    Pre-ran the park for you guys to make sure everything is in good repair for next weekend... ;) Sand is in tip top shape, you should have fun. Wish I could make it but its just not in the cards. Next year for sure planning on going. Hope you guys have the same weather we had this weekend. Sunny...
  14. sanndmann3

    Aquired a 351 Windsor

    Good advicefrom bronconut73. Only regret I have in building my 351 was that I didn't stroke it out to 408...
  15. sanndmann3

    Cost effective trailer?

    I borrow a friends trailer so it is definitely cost effective! ;) I used to flat tow but no more. Hit a rough stretch of road and got the Bronco got all out of shape and almost crashed. White knuckle ride for sure...
  16. sanndmann3

    Enjoying the early

    sounds like a real trooper! 8-) Nice looking Bronco too
  17. sanndmann3

    A whole new world...

    Welcome aboard! You have found the best Early Bronco resource around. People here are very courteous and helpful. I'd recommend becoming a contributor ($12 a year) and then you can post pics directly here. Drive and enjoy it and your to-do list will become obvious. Are you taking it off road or...
  18. sanndmann3

    You can't cut off a lug nut with an ax

    Man that sucks. only good thing you got out of the experience was a story... :)
  19. sanndmann3

    Complete serpentine kit??

    Did that 9 1/4" dimension include the fan or just to the pulley face? The dimension I told you for the Explorer included the fan. Hard to judge from their pic but it seems like theirs sticks out more...
  20. sanndmann3

    2 High or Neutral

    Yep, hi range is hi range. same ratio. Sounds like maybe the shifter is worn out? I had alot of problems with mine. Twin sticking it made things so much easier...