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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Sent you a pm for shipping... you can simply run a shorter belt for a set up with out a.c. Gates belt K06085 should work. take a look at this write up from the tech library. Its very helpful. http://classicbroncos.com/tech/explorer-5-0-serpentine-accessory-drive-belt-conversion scroll down...
  2. sanndmann3

    Thanks Garry, EFI GUY!!

    Hopefully Garry doessn't have Alberts hair... :D
  3. sanndmann3

    Explorer Serpentine Upgrade Kit. What else do I need?

    The pulley is integral to the balancer. One advantage of the Explorer harmonic is if you ever want to go E.D.I.S. fuel injection (via EFIGuy), the tone ring is right there and the trigger is part of the pointer...
  4. sanndmann3

    1958 Saab on Early Bronco frame

    lol! :p just wrong to do that to a Bronco... :(
  5. sanndmann3

    Engine Guru's

    I think that temp is to cool... take a look at this link. http://www.carnut.com/ramblin/cool3.html running too cool might increase cylinder wear. It does seem odd that it runs that cool. I would double check gauge and temp sender unit to make sure its accurate. what fan, water pump and...
  6. sanndmann3

    Need New Blank Dash Cut. How do I find someone?

    Most of your holes look to be round (from the other thread Custom Dash Design). Have you thought of trying to drill them yourself? I bought an adjustable carbide tipped hole saw from ebay for mine. I think it was all of $20. Did the big holes 1st then the smaller ones. don't be in a rush or...
  7. sanndmann3

    Explorer Serpentine Upgrade Kit. What else do I need?

    The kit I sell has all the unique bolts for attaching every thing so no worries there... The bolt on pulley is another option to the Explorer piece. You can actually make the 4.0 Alt work if you make a little adapter plate. the 4.0 bolt pattern is wider than the 5.0... This is what I did on...
  8. sanndmann3

    My custom dash design w/ 3D Cad version. See Last Post

    Yes, it is a BC Bronco blank dash that I drilled a bunch of holes in... There are actually 4 push buttons across the bottom. From left to right, overdrive defeat switch (for the 4R), horn button, engine start button and main power button that turns the truck on and off. My last winter project...
  9. sanndmann3

    Got the axel out thanks all. New question

    The H.F. press comes in handy for lots of pressing chores... :) I'd recommend it.
  10. sanndmann3

    2000 explorer for 5.0 swap what do I need off it

    I don't think you will regret going efi... its awesome! 8-) So its a great idea to grab all that stuff now. When you are ready, EFIGuy can set you up.
  11. sanndmann3

    autometer gauges, which ones?

    Definitely consider trans temp. I also have an air pressure gauge as I have onboard air...
  12. sanndmann3

    My custom dash design w/ 3D Cad version. See Last Post

    taking the opportunity to show off dash (before steering col. install)... :D Kind of a different direction than you but its all good. Have you thought about a USB power port? mine is on the far right, under the volt meter. In the future, I might add a tablet in a dash extension over the...
  13. sanndmann3

    CELEBRATE WITH ME!!!! First 100 mile drive

    congrats! gotta be a great feeling! enjoy the victory. 8-)
  14. sanndmann3

    Woodward Dream Cruise 2017

    The day started out threatening rain but I never saw any. Spent the day on old Woodward in downtown Birmingham with the Mach 1. Just a perfect day. Couldn't have been nicer!
  15. sanndmann3

    Blown C4 transmission

    I'd recommend 4.56 gears atleast to go with the 35" tires. I ran almost exclusivly in low range when out playing in sand. Helps keep trans cooler. Definitely get a temp gageon it and rebuild. there are some good upgrades to do as well while you are inside. C4 is a great little trans and fairly...
  16. sanndmann3

    TX 1973 Not mine and am I missing something

    Seems very optimistic... 4.6 motor? looks like Explorer 5.0 front dress... didn't think it fit on a 4.6...
  17. sanndmann3

    NY Got to see this one, crazy priced camo Bronco!

    At that price, he is going to put alot of miles on it waiting for the sale...
  18. sanndmann3

    Slammed Bronco

    Doesn't look like it would do very well off road... not my cup of tea. someone did put alot of work into it though.
  19. sanndmann3

    Who's crash is this?

    Hope you have a full and quick recovery! Put the Bronco on ice for bit while you mend. It will be there waiting for you. Take care and take it a day at a time.
  20. sanndmann3

    testing a new thread

    you mean "makes cents to him" right? ;D