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Search results

  1. Prizefighter

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    There's two different designs here. The quarter and away looks very similar to our beloved 66-77 shape.
  2. Prizefighter

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Yes, yes, and yes.
  3. Prizefighter

    Been a long time coming

    Congrats!! Great story, really enjoy ones like this.
  4. Prizefighter

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Replaced a fuel pump and shocks on my sister's 75. We both did, she's learning.
  5. Prizefighter

    AR OCBR 2019 For Sale Thread!!!

    Anyone have a blue Ranger rear seat for sale?
  6. Prizefighter

    Guess this part game

    Help. Cleaning up and found these. What are they?
  7. Prizefighter

    AR OCBR 2019 For Sale Thread!!!

    Bubba is looking for a set of D44 3.50 gears so I will let him know about yours. I am bringing several totes of stuff and do not want to return with any of it.
  8. Prizefighter

    I called Bronco Graveyard today.....and got a busy signal

    They must be busy then, and that's a good sign. I've had a few issues with them but I've also spent a lot of money there. I like JBG because they make it right if they do mess up and they have everything. Also a big fan of Duff's, WH, and those friendly folks at Tom's.
  9. Prizefighter

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    There's a few new things here I haven't read before. It says it will be offered in a rwd and awd version, 4x2 and 4x4. I didn't know it would come in 4x2. It also says the design is finalized, thought they were still tweaking it.
  10. Prizefighter

    1977 Build for OCBR 2016 "Green Machine" Thread

    True. I saw it two days ago sitting untouched with some grass grown up around it :o If you are real quiet, sometimes you can hear it calling "Drive me... drive me..." :cry:
  11. Prizefighter

    1977 Build for OCBR 2016 "Green Machine" Thread

    I had a lot of fun in this Bronco and sold it in preparation for a move that didn't happen. It was discovered the overheating problem at OCBR 2016 was due to a bad radiator that was new. We kept going over the list of things it could be to make it overheat and when the radiator was brought up we...
  12. Prizefighter

    L.O.F.T Build Thread

    Motivation right there! Having it all one color makes you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep it up, good work so far.
  13. Prizefighter

    AR OCBR 2019 For Sale Thread!!!

    I have a new carpet kit from Tom's. Black in color and still in the box. I also have door glass.
  14. Prizefighter

    Traveling for parts and broncos

    East Texas to middle Kentucky for a Bronco pop up camper about three years ago.
  15. Prizefighter

    New Bronco prototypes

    It's an Escape with rugged design. From articles I've read in the past, it will be for people who want a Bronco but cannot afford the price tag. Ford dealership will steer them to this vehicle so they can still have an adventurous style SUV.
  16. Prizefighter

    New Bronco prototypes

    That's the "Baby Bronco". Not sure why it's a secret since there's already a photo of it.
  17. Prizefighter

    "Chief" rebuild story

    I always look forward to updates on this one.
  18. Prizefighter

    Bronco Specific Instagram Accts

  19. Prizefighter

    Win a Restored & Modernized 1969 Ford “Fuelie” Bronco

    Thanks for sharing. I entered.