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1975 Bronco Ranger Build.



Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Ditch that a/c bracket for sure. I dealt with that this summer and it was a PITA.

There are two other common brackets . One that is just for a alt. and one that is set up to hold a air pump. I think I have one that holds a air pump laying around you can have.

Other wise order one or look around in the junk yards.

And this


Yeah I am getting rid of it and getting the better bracket.. I think also I will get another alternator.

Blue Bastard

Bronco Guru
May 14, 2012
Spend 15 and get a new voltage regulator while your there. Looks like that's been sitting a while. Good luck and hope you enjoy the project phase. I think it's part of the fun,


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Didn't think of the voltage reg. I will get it tomorrow. Got the water pump this morning. Now just need to find the right bolts that will bolt it on. The ones that were on there with the a/c bracket were longer. trying to figure that out now. They did not have any alt brackets where I got the water pump. Does anyone have a pic of how the alt and bracket go on the 302? Have not found a good picture yet.


Sr. Member
Dec 29, 2012
Here's a pic of my alt. can't get a great one because the radiator ImageUploadedByTapatalk1385925735.516647.jpg


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Thanks for the pic. Going to have to order one I guess. No where I check so far has one. got other things I can do anyways. Got some oil and going to turn the oil pump some and turn the motor over by hand again. Just trying to get all the things I need to get done before trying to turn the engine over with the key. Already put mystery oil down the spark plug holes, radiator out and flushed out, new water pump, new thermostat, new starting solenoid. PCV valve, valve vent breather and carb on. Got new fuel filters and going to try and disconnect the fuel line from the gas tank to fuel pump. Going to run a line off the fuel pump to a fuel can with fresh gas in it for now once I try and turn it over with key. Got brakes to look at but will work on them once I get the motor at least started.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Got the aux fuel tank skid plate off. It was very rusty so I add one of those to my wish list.The tanks itself looks ok and when I knock on it it sounds like there is nothing in it. How do I get it completely off so I can check to see if there is fuel and if there is clean it out? I know I need to redo the fuel lines. I tried to find the 5/16's nylon fuel tubing but no luck so far. Can I just replace all the tubing with 3/8" fuel line from the aux tank to the fuel pump? Or does it need to have it similar to factory? Not to sure how the main tank is. Looks like there is a small leak by where one of the straps go but there is fuel in it I think.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Started to take the brake things off yesterday. Got the hubs and everything to get the front drums off but they are being stubborn and I think the pads are keeping them from coming off. Ive tried to use the adjuster that is on the back but it will not move at all. For now I am just going to get a new SS brake line kit for the front and back, new drums with tall the associated parts for the inside and a new master cylinder. I know I should go with a disc conversion but right now I have so many things to do to the Bronco to get it running. I still got to get the alternator bracket and get that on and some other things before I get the motor to turn offer for the first time in I don't know how long. I am going to get all new full lines. Not sure on this yet. I've tried to find the 5/16" nylon tubing but no luck yet. Is it possible to use 3/8" fuel line tubing for everything? Still need to get the tanks down and check to see if there is any old fuel in them. I got the strap and skid plate off the aux tank but it just seems to hang there still like there is something still holding it on. I am thinking I need to disconnect all the lines to get off right? I just keep jumping around doing different things when I just want to get the motor running and under its own power for now. And I need to get the fuel and brake stuff done to get it done. I'm not even going to start any other things like suspension or body work until I get the motor running. Am I wrong thinking this way? Suggestions or comments? Thanks for all the help as I keep on working on the Bronco every day.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Did not get to the drums last night after work. Did not think the wife wanted to hear me beat a big hammer on the drums so I will wait until I can do it doing the day. More questions though.... I have the eldelbrock 600 on the the motor. Did not put a spacer on yet as I did not know if I would need one or not. in the pics I am holding what I assume is the kick down lever that goes to the transmission right? If so, do I still need to use the edelbrock kick down lever that I bought on it? How and where do I mount the kick down lever that is on the truck to the carb? Im just bouncing around right now and doing some of the small things that I know I will need to have done prior to me trying to turn the motor over. I'm hoping to get the alternator bracket and the other things needed this weekend and try to turn the motor over. I got the fuel line from the fuel tanks off and a piece of fuel coming from a 5 gallon gas can going to it so I will have a fresh supply of fuel. Just bypassing the fuel tanks all together right now since I need to run new fuel lines and get the tanks dropped to check them. What do you guys use for fuel line anyways? I was trying to get some of the nylon tubing locally but have not found any yet. Was thinking once I do get the fuel tanks dropped, cleaned and inspected (Changed if I have too), I could use 3/8 fuel line for the lines. Is this a good idea? Have not found any kind of "fuel line kit" yet. Thanks again for all the help. Hoping to hear the motor this weekend for the first time!


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Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2004
Wear a proper respirator while you beat on those drums, the old linings most-likely contain asbestos.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
I'm wondering if I should go ahead a get the body lift now and get it in before running new brake lines and fuel lines? I'm sure it would make it easier right?


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Been working on the bronco when I have a chance. Work is hectic right now during the holidays. Anyways, I got a new water pump installed, new fuel pump installed since the hold one did not seem to pull any fuel and now the new one does. So I got fuel getting that far. I was going the through the gears and noticed that the shifter does not go into park. It goes through all the other gears it seems but when I am going back the other way it does not go all the way on the indicator. I am wondering if this will keep me from getting the bronco finally started. I got the front drums off for now and up the front end is on jackstands. When I get the funds I plan on replacing all the brake lines and drum brake components.( just trying to get the motor running for now) I just keep thinking if the bronco does fire over it might be in gear and drive through my garage. I know there shox be a neutral safety switch or something right? I want to look at the shifter linkage and figure out why it's not going into park. Any suggestions on this? Thanks in advance and I hope to get motor fired off finally this weekend.


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2009
Sounds like the shift linkage just needs to be adjusted. The adjustment is down on the side of the transmision. It should only start in park or neutral unless someone has bypassed the safety switch.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013

Got the shifting linkage sorted and now I can cycle through all the gears and put it in park. Just adjusted the shifting linkage. Seems like it was just stuck from sitting for awhile. Hooked up the fuel line to the carb since I got the fuel pump working, put a little fuel in the carb and tried to turn it over. It fired over and just about scared the s--- out of me. Did not try to give it any gas cause I don't think I have the throttle set up right yet. If anyone could tell me if I do or not that would be helpful (Pics of the carb a few posts back). Not sure if I need to have a riser plate under the carb or not and not sure if I need to put on the throttle lever adapter that I bought for the carb. I'm slowly getting to the point where I can get the motor running but want to keep going slow like I am so I do it right and not damage anything. If any one could tell me about the carb set up and the throttle it would be very appreciative.


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Ok. I went ahead and put the throttle adapter on the carb. Got fuel to the carb and try to start it. I can get it to fire off but I get scared that something wrong is going to happen then turn the key back to the off position. When I do this I see flames shooting out of the carb as I do not have the air cleaner on it yet. I also so not have the belts on it yet but I know I need to have them on the motor before running it for any period of time. I got new oil, new fuel pump, new spark plugs and a water pump on it. Going to get some belts tomorrow so the water pump will get driven and also get the water in it since I flushed it out if I get it to run. I can't put the alternator on yet as I need to find a alternator bracket first. Can't find one locally yet so I might have to order one. I am just scared that once I get the motor running it will rev to hi and I might damage something. If I just put a belt on to drive the water pump and try to start it so it can get it to idle I should be ok right? Help please.


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Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Anyone have any suggestions? I did not mess with the distriburtor or wires. I wonder if the firing order is not right? Firing order for a 302 should be 15426378 right? If anyone can look at the picture and tell me if they are right that be helpful.


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Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
Ok. Been messing around with the plug wires and firing order. Also decided to take the distributor out and find TDC and try to get the right timing once I get the bronco started. Used a wrench on the damper bolt to get the crankshaft TDC. TDC is 0 right? Went to put the distributor back in and it will not go in all the way down to where is supposed to. Took it back out and figured the hex that connects to the oil pump is not positioned right. Thought I was turn it little by little to try to get the distributor in but still would not go all the way down. I took a flashlight and shined it down where the distributor goes and the hex key does not even look it is in the middle of the hole. I tried to push it over to the center with a small thin screwdriver but it still would not move. Is there something stopping it? Do y'all think I should try and take the oil pan off and look at the oil pump? How hard is it to take the pan off? And if I do take it off what should I look for and possibly get so I can replace? I just want to get the distributor back in and get back to trying to get the bronco started. Please help and I appreciate all the help so far!
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Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2013
moving on

Ok. Now that I got the distributor back in after getting the oil priming shaft back in the oil pump I'm back to where I was before. Trying to start and get the bronco idling. I got the crankshaft TDC, put the distributor back in with the rotor pointing to the #1 spark plug and put the plug wires back on. Tried to start it again last night before going to bed and it seems like it does not want to turn over. At one time I got flames in the carb again. The solenoid still gets stuck occasionally while trying to crank and I have to disconnect the battery and tap it to get it unstuck. I'm getting fuel to the carb so I know thats good. I usually put the battery on the charger over night to make sure I get a fully charged battery before trying to crank. I wondering if 725cca is enough for this motor to turn it over? I was getting spark before I had the "Whole oil priming shaft" problem. Maybe try to see if I am getting spark to the plugs? What is the best way to do this? Maybe I have the plug wires on the wrong plugs? When I am trying to crank it, I am not pressing down on the accelerator so I do not flood it. I don't have the choke hook up yet. Does this make any difference right now? I know more questions but with all the wealth of info and the experience most of you guys have on here it is not hard to ask!