Sorry, you asked one thing and I answered another. As to whether it comes with the pump-to-box hose, then enough left over to do it all again plus the hydroboost, I would have to say no.
But it has most of what you would need to run that hose, then, like I mentioned previously, re-purpose it for later use in the hydro-boost setup.
You might just have to buy the proper adapter for the box and pump, as we really don't know what combination, out of many possibilities, any given Bronco is going to have. Lots of pumps, lots of boxes, lots of different hydroboost setups to use in a Franken-booster setup.
Know too, that kit is probably designed primarily for use with our hydro-boost setup in it's expected combinations. So if you go junkyard hunting for just the perfect setup for you, the adapters included might not always be the ones you need. Luckily, adapters are one of the lesser expensive components of the kit, so might not kill the bank even if you have to buy different ones.