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4x4x2/hydroboost QUESTION/HELP

Jul 14, 2012
I am wonder if ANYBODY has a list of the hoses (custom) that I need to get made for my hydroboost unit/4x4x2 setup. I am running a 98 exploder steering pump. Any help would be GREAT. Thank you;D

ps;i have looked at my hydroboost forums but no luick finding a list of hoses.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Yeah, very pretty under the hood.
We also have the #2081 and #2053 in just the generic hydraulic category: http://www.wildhorses4x4.com/category/s?keyword=hose+kit that use black hydraulic hose and some separate A/N fittings you can get.
Still adds up of course, but I'm guessing the total is less than the braided one by enough to make the option worth looking into.

Not sure if the 6 feet is actually enough to do a whole hydroboost setup (pretty sure it's not unless you're a clever origami guru) but with an additional three feet from the other kit (the hose colors are now all black I think) plus a few A/N adapters where needed, you could put yourself together a pretty slick system.

Here's one you can see at least part of the plumbing from the Explorer pump back to the booster unit.
Sorry it's not from a better angle. And ignore the larger diameter hose with Green strips. It's for the A/C.
IMG_0270 (Large).jpg

Oct 5, 2013
so i got my fitting from hosespecialties.com reusable steel fittings with aluminum an fittings with black hose for under 2 bills . and got the special fitting for the return from the hydroboost back to the pump on ebay under hydroboost fittings and they all fit up nice ! also put in a filter on one of the return lines !
Jul 14, 2012
Thanks you guys. This helps very much. I think ill just bite the bullet and order the kit. Thanks again.
Jul 14, 2012
Ok. So does that kit come with the powersteering pump(explorer pump) to steering box hoses? as well as the hydroboost lines. reason I ask is that I am going to have to run for a little while without the hydroboost. what im trying to ask is can I hookup my powersteering and then later on install the rest of the lines once I am able to get my hydroboost installed. or will I have to get a couple more hoses again once I get my HB unit installed later this year?


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
I don't personally know how you can have it both ways, but someone might have stumbled on the lucky combination.
The pressure hose currently goes to the steering box. After the hydroboost, the pressure hose now goes to the booster unit first, then to the box. So different lengths most likely, and certainly different ends. The reusable hose and fitting types mentioned previously would allow the closest thing to reusing one in a different position later. All you would need are the different A/N adapters to mate up, and perhaps some new lengths of hoses. If you're lucky then, you can reuse the old hose you had from the pump to the box, in some other position.

The plumbing of a hydroboost system in an EB can be a bit fiddly if you want it to look good as well as function properly. Lots of routing, then re-routing to get it just how you like it in your particular engine compartment.
But with these kits at least you have the best chance of using at least some of what you've already spent money on.



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Sorry, you asked one thing and I answered another. As to whether it comes with the pump-to-box hose, then enough left over to do it all again plus the hydroboost, I would have to say no.
But it has most of what you would need to run that hose, then, like I mentioned previously, re-purpose it for later use in the hydro-boost setup.
You might just have to buy the proper adapter for the box and pump, as we really don't know what combination, out of many possibilities, any given Bronco is going to have. Lots of pumps, lots of boxes, lots of different hydroboost setups to use in a Franken-booster setup.

Know too, that kit is probably designed primarily for use with our hydro-boost setup in it's expected combinations. So if you go junkyard hunting for just the perfect setup for you, the adapters included might not always be the ones you need. Luckily, adapters are one of the lesser expensive components of the kit, so might not kill the bank even if you have to buy different ones.

Jul 14, 2012
ok, that's what I figured. after thinking about it im going to just do it all now. I am just in a time crunch and need to have it ready next week I have the body off and still have a lot to do. but im just gonna do it right the first time and do it all at once. Thanks again. Travis