Ok Chris, finally back from the "Test Lab" (as we fondly refer to the grease-pit in the back). And after putting the tech team (mostly Jim) on this case we have determined yours to be another case of what we've come to know as "66-itis". ;D
Just like you and I were discussing originally.
This is going to be another long one, so go grab a drink and some popcorn and read away. Anyone feel free to make comments and corrections as they see fit please.
Some is going to be questions for you, some is going to be suggestions by me (us) and some is just going to be my usual long-windedness.
I'll include a pic below too, of an original (later-model EB) set, alongside our current production pieces. You can see we patterned ours pretty much along the same lines, but when you compare them to yours, we can see the obvious differences.
Didn't take Ford too long to decide to beef up both the frame side, and especially the engine side, of the equalizer bar's ends. You can see how the original was simply a bar welded to the tube and would have cracked after enough time, or under enough stress. The newer design incorporates the end bar completely surrounding the tube, with a full-circumference weld.
By the way, did your first one break or something? I don't think we ever discussed what the original problem was that caused you to need a replacement?
That beefier design though, was one of the main issues you had unfortunately. Your early frame bracket, though the same basic shape as the later models, does not have the relief hole cut into it to clear the larger end flange. You can clearly see it in our bracket, vs the one in your pics.
That was evidently most of your grinding woes I take it?
The good news is that I doubt you really weakened it at all, as it's still got full attachment. Just lost some excess metal is all.
The bad news is that it took a lot of effort on your part to grind it!
Now to the bending. Looks like you have headers?
Unfortunately, that might have been a big part of your need to bend the side bars. It's a very common issue with Broncos. One that I didn't even think to ask you when you originally said it didn't work.
With any Bronco clutch mechanism, some headers fit pretty well, some don't at all.
Hope those aren't our headers! Are they, by any chance? Can't tell from the pics. They almost look like manifolds, except for the triangle flange joint.
It looks like you could still get away with the down-bracket over slightly though. Maybe I can't see something in the pic, but it looks like you have some room to maneuver still. Maybe enough to un-bind the spring a little bit?
Anyway, sorry you've had to go through all this. Looks like you would have had to no matter what though. How did your original stuff fit? Now that you've had a chance to study things a bit, can you tell if it was bent from stock?
The way it looks, you might be able to mess with it all some more to get things to play nice together.
But wait! There's more!
Maybe you can change the clutch pedal rod's length a bit to get the base setting so that the bar is farther away from the header. That might help to put the spring at a more natural angle, get your brackets away from the header, and give you a better starting point to bend-and-tweak things back into shape.
You do know there is an eccentric rubber bumper up under the clutch pedal? When you turn the nut/bolt, it adjusts the height of the clutch pedal up or down to better match the height of the brake pedal and is the first step in any adjustment. Try messing with that and see what help it gives.
If that's not enough to put the equalizer at a good level though, you might have to make (or buy) an adjustable pedal rod to fine-tune things.
Then, when that's all set and the outside arm is clearing the frame, maybe the inside arm will be clearing the header. Then you can make final adjustments to the length of your (new) clutch fork actuating rod without it being at such an angle.
As a final step, if the spring is still interfering, maybe drill a couple of judiciously placed holes in both the clutch fork and the engine tower to re-align the spring to a more linkage-friendly location?
Even stock, the return spring is close to hitting something. So close in fact that if you put it on flipped, it will hit the mechanism. It'll only go on one way even stock. Ford used several different sizes over the years and this might have been the reason.
I couldn't see the angle of your clutch rod as it exits the floor and lines up with your equalizer's frame end. Is it relatively vertical? Or is it kacked off at an angle? Reason I ask is that I think I remember you saying you had to tweak the frame side arm too. Is that correct?
If the rod is at a funny angle as it exits the floor, check that out and find out what's changed from stock.
For reference, later models had a clutch rod where the ends were bent at 90° angles, but angled opposite of each other so it would line up properly with the equalizer bar's arm.
Some other vehicles had theirs on the same side, so if someone has swapped yours out, it could be offset the wrong way. Worth looking at anyway.
Do you have a body lift? Doesn't look like it, but I had to ask. Body lifts, and just aging old original body cushions can change the pedal-to-equalizer relationship by a bit. Maybe some compensating length changes can help you fit everything into that small space? Also worth looking into anytime you're having clutch linkage issues.
Does your pedal rod exit the pedal bracket on it's inside (passenger side) edge and go out through the floor? Then does it enter the frame arm of the equalizer from the outside (driver's side) facing inward? In other words, the rod comes down on the outside of the bracket?
That's how the later model ones are fitted. Your '66 could be different, but I'd think this aspect would likely be the same through all the years. If not though, that might be one reason your arm would not have lined up and you had to bend it.
Sorry for all the talk, but I wanted to make sure you were starting from the same point so you weren't fighting perhaps an existing issue. And to make sure we're all reading the same page.
Maybe your '66 is different in other ways too. Anyone reading this have a '66 or '67 they'd care to share pictures of with us? Be interesting to see.
From Jim:
"Needless to say, we will be adding a set of instructions to the part, along with some additional tech info on the web page, for owners of the early models, to detail making a relief hole in the stock frame bracket (if necessary) to clear the rotating assembly. Or even to suggest purchasing our matching part when modifying the existing one is not preferred or the original bracket does not exist.
Until we know exactly when Ford made the running change to the linkage, we might call it a 66-68 thing. Rather than just limiting any special notes to '66 only.
Bending the stock or the aftermarket EQ brackets is just part of making clearance around the aftermarket headers.
As for the spring, there are different styles of clutch return springs. Some have more, some have fewer coils, so some may fit better than others."
Bottom line is that we still want to help if we can, but anything we can replace your existing stuff with is going to be the same thing you have now and is going to have the same fitment issues.
You've already ground the clearance into the bar ends, so don't need a frame bracket with a relief cut into it.
The equalizer bars themselves are going to have the same angles yours had originally, so you'd just have to re-bend it all over again.
We do have an uber-bitchin' adjustable clutch rod, but unless everything else fits properly, I don't think that would really be a cure-all at this point.
So we're kind of stuck Chris. Although I hate to say it that way! ;D
If you decide you would still like to start fresh again with any of this, I will make you a great deal on some replacements, but I'm thinking that you're better off just working with what you have already modified and seeing what you can do to fine-tune the fit.
Maybe start with what I said about adjusting the up-stream stuff (pedal and such) first, to see if that gives you any better angles to work with.
Then we can work from there.
Not what you wanted to hear, I know. Hopefully some of it can help though.
Let me know what you'd like to do.
Other than using the shop DeLorean to go back and start over of course!