I had a long drawn out ordeal the last time I ordered. When I finally got them the stitching was wrong, there was no piping around the rear of the seat backs like stock ones, and they had an extra seam on the front of the rear seat bottom cushion. I always know it’s a BroncoHut cover when I see that vertical seam on a houndstooth rear cover.
The quality of the work was not great. I returned them again and finally got some back that were decent but not what I had expected for the money and months of wait time, and I still had to have some restitching and fitting done. By the time I was done I had way more in them than it would have cost to have a local shop make them and install them.
The vinyl covers are great but they are from a different supplier. Houndstooth ones are subbed out and custom made to order. My next ones will be made by a local shop....