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Alternator and carb questions

Jul 5, 2010
Alternator question:
Started the bronco the other morning and noticed a fairly loud belt squeal that lasted about 2 secs then went away. Drove about 15 miles and noticed my alt gauge was pegged at full charge. I didn't notice this when I first started it so it could have been pegged at full charge from the beginning. The other gauges were reading normally. I didn't have the heater fan, radio, or any other accessory running (not even the lights). I turned around and headed back home and about 7 miles into the return trip, the gauge returned back to neutral (no deep discharge or charge). Took it to the NAPA store and they check the battery and alternator and all appeared to be working fine. I've driven the bronco a couple of times since then and no squeal or deep charging indicated. Is this a sign of the alternator going bad? It's the original alternator on a 29K mile original bronco.

Carb question:
Bought a 2150 Motorcraft carb from Pony Carbs. Works beautifully but I noticed a line connection at the top of the front of the carb. It looks like a vacuum line connection. Does anyone know what it's for? I've attached a pic where you can just see it under the air cleaner.


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Jr. Member
Feb 9, 2009
Pasadena MD
Yup, that there should have a nipple on it. At least mine does. Wait...Mine does not have that other fitting though, so i'm not sure. Now i'm curious too. Helps to take the air cleaner off when asking carb related questions with photos. Just sayin.


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.94 OR

Bronco Guru
Jul 5, 2009
My dads F250 had regulator issues all the time. He was advised to go to the solid state regulator to eliminate all the problems. That was the first thing I bought for my Bronco in 1989 and haven't had any problems with it since. Other problems yes, but not with the charging.