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Another vendor going out of their way


Bronco Guru
Oct 17, 2006
I just wanted to share another story about an EB vendor going out of their way to be helpful:

I ordered a family cage "bikini" top from Wild Horses yesterday (along with some other parts) and asked that they ship it out seperately ASAP so I could have it for the weekend to take the kids out. My bad for waiting so long to order it.

Rich from WH e-mailed immediately me to let me know what they could do and what the extra shipping cost would be. That was nice.

What was nicer was that, when he found out I was going to be installing it over my new CRAB cage, he e-mailed back to let me know that the fit might not be perfect as it wasn't specifically designed for that cage. He went so far as to call a local customer with the same cage, measure his cage up, and get back to me with the details of what might be off. That, IMO, was really nice and WAY beyond the kind of customer service that we get most anywhere. He didn't pressure me with an upsell (though he did point out that WH can have one custom made to my measurements for a very reasonable charge), he just wanted to make sure that I knew exactly what I was getting and what to expect.

All in all, it may not seem like much but how many times have all of us ordered something only to find out later (in a pinch) that it's not exactly what we needed? That Rich went to this effort to make sure I would be satisfied is awesome, especially when it would have been SO easy for him to just ship it out & be done with it.

I only wish the vendors I deal with in my business were as customer-centric as the EB vendors that I've been fortunate to deal with have been!
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Bronco Brian

Bronco Guru
Feb 10, 2006
I have always been treated very well by the Wild Horses Staff and for that I buy 90% of my Bronco only parts from them. Other 10 they don't have:mad: . I do not even price shop and shipping is over nite for me if Brown don't let me down


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
I live some 30-40 miles from WH and I don't even think twice about making the drive up there for parts. I'm always greeted by a helpful and friendly staff who usually end up teaching me a thing or two, and checking out the rigs they have on display is always a treat.
Sometimes I have them UPS stuff to me if I simply don't have the time to make it up there, and it usually shows up next day.
I did not know they could custom make a bikini top... that is definitely something on my list as my rig is getting closer to being driveable and the weather is getting nicer!


Full Member
Feb 13, 2007
Well I live close enough that I just go down there, but their staff is incredible. Always lots of good info, I tell them where I'm heading and they point out possible trouble spots that I'll run into. I really cant say enough about Jim and Johnny and the rest of the Wild Horse crew.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2007
also what is interesting that a lot of people might not know. WH isn't just a store front with some far away warehouse or just ordering your stuff from a manufacturer to send to you. The store front and the warehouse are one and the same. Its kind of like going to Summit in reno. You want, they bring it out of the back.


Bronco Guru
Sep 19, 2006
Naples, FL
I am glad I don't live close or I would go broke and probably get fired for being there instead of at work.


Bronco Guru
Sep 28, 2004
San Martin, CA
WH is the best, I have delt with everyone there with good results. But Mark is the man! He has driven over to the Bay area to have beers, after work, with a Bronco guy visiting from out of state, and brought parts! ;D And then he drove home for work the next day.
Outstanding customer service is a rarity these days...


Full Member
Mar 16, 2007
The last year or so I have ordered parts from almost all venders on the site. I have to say all but one of the customers service people went out of their way to answer my qustions and shoot me e-mails back. The guys at BC Broncos, Toms, Wildhorses and Dusty at West Coast Broncos are awesome. I just wish my local Ford or Dodge dealership did as good of a job or cared about my business as much as these guys do. The amazing thing is my Bronco is maybe worth 15k but my Dodge is close to 50k.


Sr. Member
Jan 26, 2006
Our vendors make me proud to be a Bronco guy. I've always had good experiences with everyone that I have dealt with this far...and people on this site that I have bought from as well. Geeze, I guess Bronco people are just a swell bunch. :) (some exceptions do apply...sorry for all that were ripped off by Rick)


Full Member
Feb 19, 2007
I buy most of my parts from Wild Horses. The staff is great and the store, lets just say my wife will not go with me. It's hard to get me out of there. Reminds me of an old speed shop. Bronco's , motors, and parts on display. Very cool.


Sr. Member
May 17, 2006
Wish I was close enough to visit! I love dealing with bronco vendors, specially since customer service from EVERYONE else now a days is so horrible. Good to know their are still places that genuinely care about their customers.


Bronco Guru
May 24, 2004
I have always had top notch service from WH. They have made a mistake on one of my orders before but went above and beyond to correct things.