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Anyone use the "new" version of the JBG replacement quarter panel?


Full Member
Jul 10, 2001
I have heard from a few folks that Jeff's has a new quarter panel replacement that is much better than the previously used version (including from their web site)

so my question is, has anyone used these new quarters and what do they think?

i am going to be having a proffessional body shop do the work, so i am not too concerned with problems of install, but more with the fit and look of going original.




Jr. Member
Nov 6, 2002
Franklin, TN
I have both sides for my 74 EB but have not installed then yet, still cleaning up some areas before the quarters go on. I have played around with test fitting them. The originals seem to be a thicker gauge than the replacements and the curve of the panel from top to bottom is not exactly right either but on the hole they don't look too bad. I think the will look just fine with the customary trimming and fitting.

Keep in mind that I never saw the "old" panels and cannot compare the two.

black pearl

Full Member
Oct 26, 2003
i'm using them,but they aren't on yet.my bronco is in the body shop as i type this.he promised to get on it this week,but i've heard this before.if he gets on it soon i will let you know how they worked.