It's very possible the regulator got fried at the same time. But trying the "full-fielding" trick that buckaroo mentioned would be a proof of concept and may save you some trouble.
You can actually do it with the engine running and a small jumper wire.
Disconnect the 4-position connector at the regulator and connect the jumper between the Yellow "A" wire and the Orange "F" wire.
If the rest of the system is still intact and working, you should hear your engine strain from the load of the alternator at full output. The belt might even hiss or squeal.
But either way, you should see your battery voltage jump from it's 12-point-whatever to a higher reading of 15v, then maybe 16v, and if left long enough to 17v and above.
This is why you only do this long enough to test. Don't let it charge at full chat for more than a few moments. Unlike Johnny-5, batteries don't like that much input.
If it does not do these things, it's still possible that you have a bad regulator, but it's a sure bet you have other issues still as well.