What's everyone's thought on the BC Broncos soft top? Or direct me to a thread about this. I can't seem to find any but the site has changed so I could be missing it
Been waiting for almost a year and they went up $600 while waiting.
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Does great but after 5 years of owning it and parking it in weather, it took its toll. I need to spray scotchguard on it. I abuse my stuff and use it for its purpose. I have a new set of skins for it but will install it after new paint and fender work. hopefully this year after I get green77 legally on the road.Mad,
How's it do in the rain. The islands are about the only place I've been that rains like Houston, or visa versa. In the US anyway.
I agree, the wheel wells will fill a little more with a 33. Not a huge performance difference but visually it will look sweet. Still pretty sweet as is though.3.5 inch lift, 32 inch BFG's. When I put the tires on, I had not yet had the list, so went with 32. Otherwise would have gone 33.
Hey looks like my boy! How do you get him in the Bronco?
Yes he is. They have a lot of hair, but there is a lot of bone and muscle there too. Mine weighs 144lbs.He is a big puppy. Is that a Newfoundland ? There is one down the street from me. He is all black and looks very big but I dont know how much of that is hair and fluff.
Selling?I just ordered a half cab from Bronco designs. I will be removing my BC top. It has never been a favorite of mine. Mine is old but the truck stays inside a lot . I think it was one of BC's first retail units. I hope the ones they sell now are better .
We really hated to raise the price. The company that was making the formed sheet metal parts went out of business after 9 yeas of supplying the parts, without a word that they were closing. We had to use a new vender that doubled the price, he had to reverse engineer the parts, redraw them, make samples and all new jigs from scratch.No they didn’t honor the original price it’s taken so long I guess inflation hit so pass along to consumer. Since I went with the black top I am not charged until they ship, unfortunately if I had gone with a more Unique color I would’ve been charged before hand but I’m sure I would’ve had to cover the difference.
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hell yeah bubba....love it!
We really hated to raise the price. The company that was making the formed sheet metal parts went out of business after 9 yeas of supplying the parts, without a word that they were closing. We had to use a new vender that doubled the price, he had to reverse engineer the parts, redraw them, make samples and all new jigs from scratch.
We talked about just canceling all of the orders saying that the top was no longer available, then came out with a new top that had more features and cost more money but the people that had been waiting would loose their place in line and we didn't think that was right either. So we called everyone that had an order and gave them the choice to cancel or get the newest version that was more expensive. We didn't like it but it was the best option, if the tops were in stock we absolutely would have held the price.
However we did make some changes, that made the top nicer and a cleaner install. So yes it does cost more but you are getting more for your money. Some things will not be noticed but really make for a clean install like the mounting bolts are now counter sunk, as you can see in the pictures it really does make the finished product better. We will be updating the top listing on our website soon as all of the backorders are filled to show all of the newest features, including all of the newest options available.
Now if I can get someone to buy one or both of my hard tops I could put that money toward a new BC one:![]()
It's a nice top, but the full hardtop from Bronco Design is about the same price. Removable sides, extra bows, etc.
I haven't looked in a while OUCH You should consider the Bronco Design Glass top, sides come out an almost like a safari top..
Well worth the $$