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Body Work Questions - Help???

Walter Hinz

Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2003
Cedar Grove, NJ
So here I am with a Bronco that looks like swiss cheese that I haven't driven in over a year.

I thought I was going to get assistance replacing the door posts, kick panels and floorboards, but have been left high and dry by a local body guy who was going to weld in panels for me.

I have tried all over Northern NJ and cannot find anyone willing to take the job on. So the big questions, should I try to do it myself or am I asking for trouble? I have a gasless MIG welder I bought from Harbor Frieght tools for about $200 and very modest mechanical experience.

Any thoughts, support, advice ???


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
Sign up for an evening auto body class at the local community college is there is one available. I've been doing that for a couple of years now, and it's amazing how much you can learn and get done in just a few hours per week.


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2003
Grand Junction, CO
thegreatjustino said:
Sign up for an evening auto body class at the local community college is there is one available. I've been doing that for a couple of years now, and it's amazing how much you can learn and get done in just a few hours per week.

That's good advice. Replacing entire panels is much easier than most other body work, it's just intimidating. I would also advise you to go to a local junkyard and get a couple hoods, fenders, or something similar cheap and practice your welding skills before doing it for real. You can get pretty good doing that. Gasless MIG isn't the best thing, as you'll have more to clean up after welding, but it can be done very well.

Walter Hinz

Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2003
Cedar Grove, NJ
Thanks for the advice. I would really like to take the class, but have a toddler at home and another one on the way in Dec. So I am really in a rush to get this done and driveable. As far as making the welds look pretty, I plan on spot welding only every 2-3 inches and then grinding down the excess wherever possible. My biggest concern is fitting and aligning everything.


Jr. Member
Apr 15, 2004
Bismarck, ND
I am in the process of replacing my rockers, door post, kick panels, and floor boards on both sides. This is my first body project of this magnatude, I will say it was very intimidating starting out but its going pretty good now. I made sure to weld in some support bars to hold the tub together and make sure nothing moves, I then took all the measurements I could and wrote them all down for later reference. so far I have replaced the pasenger floor panel, and removed the old rockerpanel and door post and to this point everything has gone really well, I will hopefully get the old kick panel off today and maybe get the new one tacked into place. I would say go for it, the welding is pretty simple if thats all your worried about, like you said its just simple spt welds every inch or so, your welder should work fine. Go for it! sorry about the long post.

Bronco Ben

Jckofalltrdes master/none
Aug 9, 2003
Coffeeville, Alabama
I am in the process of replacing my rockers, door post, kick panels, and floor boards on both sides.

same here (with the exception of the kick panels)! My problem is where to start. I'm also replacing the bed panel, and the four bed floor corners as well. Both rockers, both floorboards, and one door striker post (passenger side). It definetly is intimidating to say the least. As you stated, the end results/fit/stock look is what I'm striving for, and its easy to guys who have already acomplished this. There is really no "certain" way to do panel replacement. If you ask 10 people you will get many answers, but..... If you locate the origional spot welds, drill them out, the panel should come off fairly simple (note I didnt say easy). Locating the spot welds has been a big problem for me, as they are hidden under years of paint, body filler, rust, weatherstripping etc.... the best thing I ever did was to become a contributor here so I could post pictures. That way you can ask questions and people can see exactly what your up against and even pin point where to cut/drill if nessary. I have ""no doubt"" with this group you can acomplish everything you need to and get your bronco road ready.....If you need any help just ask, there are plenty of people who have already done exactly what we're doing and dont mind helping......Good luck and keep us posted.
Bronco Ben


get the gas kit for the welder it helps weld better & cleaner