Looking at weekend of May 5th, not 100% sure yet.
List of things to do next:
Adjust Duff arms and track bar
Swap out steering box and add ram assist, adjust steering links
Swap transmission & transfer case(s), need to measure for drive shafts
Swap radiators & replace carburator, new fuel line
Add brake booster and new brake lines
Repair body mount on right front
Was going to patch floor pans but notice Tom's has smooth replacements at a cheaper price, may replace.
Test fit and cut BC 1/4's
Work on bumper mounting, pull them in a little closer to the body
Need to pull 9" 3rd member and swap mini spool for full spool.
Test fit Mercury Capri seats, hopefully they will work.
Spoke to Gordon about the cage, don't really want it in the way until ready for it, looks like we can make that work for the next work weekend after this one.