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Bumper pic in May/June Bronco Driver...


Sr. Member
Jun 17, 2004
So I finally picked up the current issue of Bronco Driver and was scanning through the "Light Bright" pages that they dedicated to bumpers with lights on them. As I did so, I managed to see one bumper in particular that I really like and want for my bronco.... With that said, I have no clue who made this one or who's bronco it is currently on. All I can describe it as is it is in the third column from the left, fifth down from the top. The bumper has four KC Daylighter covers on the lights and has rope instead of cable on the winch. The bronco appears to be silver as well as the bumper. Can anyone identify this bumper withe certianty. I have looked at a few that are very similar, but this one seems to be slightly different than those ones. If someone could help me out here I would appreciate it. Thanks.;D


Jr. Member
May 4, 2005
I belive that is Todd Thomas' rig from Washington. (Don't know where they are from but make it to alot of the west coast events) As far as I know it is all custom and made of stainless. Maybe 77wag or one of the other PSVB guys knows more. HTH, BR