I think you have to separate buyer diligence from that of malicious selling. Sure there's always going to be those buyers out there who get duped for not doing their homework or practicing caution throughout the sale. But that's not the point of this thread. The point is to bring attention to this malicious seller who is intentionally targeting these unsuspecting buyers. This seller deliberately makes false representations about the quality or condition of his vehicles in order to victimize and mislead innocent buyers into fraudulent transactions, period!I understand that some of you out there got duped and feel it necessary to continually bring up this db's work to try and "save" someone from the same fate. But come on, you really have nobody to blame but yourself if you buy something from somebody like this without taking a good look at it first. Sure, this guy may put some untruthful verbage in his sales pitches on ebay, but the product speaks for itself. We don't need endless freaking threads about this guy. Just be careful when you are buying something.....and.... I don't know, maybe actually go LOOK AT what you are buying in person before handing over the cash. %)
That is the entire motive behind chevy_man512/tnabb77/lilbamaprincess/broncosbybama/socks-n-sandles or whatever the hell his name is. He makes his money and has created a business of preying on honest, moral, buyers. He hides these deceptive practices behind constitutional rights and gaps in state legislation. Then finally when his string of victims come together in an attempt to help others, he mocks and taunts them in an effort to shake up their campaign to stop him.
So Devin, your conclusion of buyer beware is obviously valid and clearly you would never fall victim to this seller, but eventually somebody else inevitably will fall for his dishonesty. Somebody needs to stop this malicious seller and I applaud the few on here who are trying to do that...