(part of me wonders if this troll is actually just obscure passing the time posing as bamaboy just for kicks).
I'll try not to take that personally. A) I have better things to do with my time and 2) I would hope that, in general, my grammar is better than his.
But if it turns out that he actually knows what he's doing, and is purposely selling dangerous, falsley advertised, over priced, pieces of shit, then he isnt just moron. He's a straight up criminal.
Therein lies the problem and why we want people to know about him. For example:
he takes a red 1976 bronco, paints it yellow, then sells it as a
1975 (in Alabama, starting with 1976 all vehicles MUST have a title. If he sells it as a 1975, no legal issues). For some reason he gets it back. Then, he paints it black and sells the exact same one now as a
1968, which it clearly isn't. So, in his possession it has been a 1975, 1976 and a 1968.
He lies. When confronted on his dishonesty, he lies; and when confronted on that lie, he makes up another lie and so on and so on. Pathological liars (Pseudologia fantastica) get some type of internal satisfaction or feeling of superiority from thinking they have outsmarted someone.