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Car Imobilizer?


Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
civilgee said:
I have a $1.00 kill switch. It is nearly impossible to find and to detect. I have friends that have tried to find it and still can't. It was the best way I found to slow down a thief long enough for me to grab the 12 ga. Mossberg!!!;D I agree with the above....if they want it, a thief will get it!

share the idea..please...pm me if u care...i dont wanna lose mey rig....:'(


Jr. Member
Sep 20, 2002
could just disconect the battery and lock up the hood. or disable something else. but lock the hood up. you could play with wires and switches under the dash but if you have no power or spark it isn't going anywhere with out a tow. about a foot or two of wire and under the hood and you can start about anything pretty easy.

friend of mine had a 90's caddy elderado, one night his factory security system wouldn't let him start it. once we figured out wich wires to jump it took about 15 seconds to start. atleast he had the key so we didn't have to mess with the steering wheel lock. ;D


Bronco Totalitarian
Jul 30, 2001
Reno, NV
If you're that worried, put in a hidden kill switch that lets it crank but not start. People will look more at a car that won't start more than an alarm.

Some of this alarm stuff is pretty useless since one clip to the red or white wire on a duraspark effectively runs the entire Bronco.

The best protection is to monitor it or start removing parts crucial to operation. My favorite is the driveshafts.


Full Member
Jan 28, 2003
The beauty of Ford products is that if you are really worried about someone stealing it, just pop the hood, then the dist. cap (right up front on Fords) and put the rotor in your pocket. Replace the dist. cap to mask the fact it has no rotor. It will crank, but will not run.


Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
CrazyHorse70 said:
The beauty of Ford products is that if you are really worried about someone stealing it, just pop the hood, then the dist. cap (right up front on Fords) and put the rotor in your pocket. Replace the dist. cap to mask the fact it has no rotor. It will crank, but will not run.

that's true especially if you have a weird distributor (MSD) etc, no?


Full Member
May 17, 2002
Northport, Alabama
Hotwheels...I use a cheap and very small toggle switch that I have hidden in a tiny little nook. Run one wiire to the coil and the other grounded to the body. The trick is to hide the ground wire to the coil so that it does not stand out. If you take you time in hiding the wire, it is very hard to find. With the switch flicked, the engine will turn over and over butt will never fire up. Before I got the kill switch (lived in the D.C. suburbs), I would pull the rotor button and carry it in my pocket. It is probably better than the kill switch, but in combination...you could confuse the hell out of a thief until he towed it away on a flatbed. I hope this helps!


Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2004
On the 6 series MSD u can easily install a theft deterrent kill switch

If u use the white wire to trigger the MSD, install a switch across the magnetic pickup violet wire to ground. When the that wire is grounded, the vehicle will crank but not start.

If u use the mag pickup to trigger the MSD, install a switch to the white wire and the other side to ground.

since all u have do is ground the wire u can be very creative in how you do it.


for locking the hood I used the hood pins with poly, then used locks made for trailers the brand (FULTON )from academy or walmart fits the hole the best (no reaming)


Full Member
Jan 25, 2004
76Broncofromhell said:
If you're that worried, put in a hidden kill switch that lets it crank but not start. People will look more at a car that won't start more than an alarm.

I have a set-up similar to this for two reasons. One, like 76Bronco said, cranking the engine will draw attention to the thiefs. Also, with no ignition, the idiots are probably going to flood the carb trying to get it started.