Hi gang,
Over the last year I've posted a couple times regarding a leak from my carburetor. I finally took the plunge and had the carb rebuilt (autolite 2200). The leak is gone, but now there seems to be a inproper mixture of fuel to air when I drive it. It's hard to explain, but the engine seems to be surging a bit and isn't running smoothly. My guess is that it's not getting an adequate supply of fuel. I've worked with a friend to tune the carb by adjusting the idle and the jets, but no tinkering seems to be working. Furthermore, when the engine is running the exhaust is a dirty grey color, which never was the case previously. I'm out of ideas. What can I do to tune the carb so that the engine runs smoothly again?
Any help or insight anyone could provide would be appreciated.
Warm regards.
Over the last year I've posted a couple times regarding a leak from my carburetor. I finally took the plunge and had the carb rebuilt (autolite 2200). The leak is gone, but now there seems to be a inproper mixture of fuel to air when I drive it. It's hard to explain, but the engine seems to be surging a bit and isn't running smoothly. My guess is that it's not getting an adequate supply of fuel. I've worked with a friend to tune the carb by adjusting the idle and the jets, but no tinkering seems to be working. Furthermore, when the engine is running the exhaust is a dirty grey color, which never was the case previously. I'm out of ideas. What can I do to tune the carb so that the engine runs smoothly again?
Any help or insight anyone could provide would be appreciated.
Warm regards.