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GIVEAWAY CB.com Giveaway!!! - Sponsored by walker949 - Ends May 18!


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Thanks to walker949 (TOFIC) for sponsoring this months ClassicBroncos giveaway!

Prize: Clear Tranfer Case Cover

Description: Walker949 (TOFIC) has just started making these covers. The material is 1/2 inch thick polycarbonate glass made for the view slits of a armoured vehicle. (read bullet proof glass) They're a great way to instantly check your t-case oil level, not to mention the cool factor of having bullet proof glass on your rig! :eek:

As a bonus, the winner will also get a magnetic t-case drain plug donated by an anonymous friend of Walkers. So a special thanks to him too! :)

The Rules:
Who can enter? - This giveaway will be open to forum Contributors only as a way of saying thanks for helping support the site.

How do you enter? - Please post in this thread if you want to be in the drawing. That way only those that actually need the part will be picked.

Deadline? - The winner will be drawn randomly on Wed, May 18th (all entries in by noon)

Thanks again TOFIC and everyone else, good luck! :)




Bronco Guru
Sep 24, 2002
Contributors only, nice touch. I orderd one for my ride, so I'd like this one for my wife's please. :cool: